--- Log opened Thu Jul 14 00:00:40 2016 02:33 -!- Robotaxi [3ef5dbf5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 03:22 -!- jjelen [jjelen@nat/redhat/x-lqzrswlvoowkvptv] has joined #navit 10:07 -!- rcopelan [444dab14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 10:54 -!- rcopelan [444dab14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 10:55 -!- rcopelan [444dab14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 10:55 #navit: < rcopelan> kazer Are you here? 10:57 -!- jjelen [jjelen@nat/redhat/x-lqzrswlvoowkvptv] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 12:07 -!- Robotaxi [3ef5dbf5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 12:25 #navit: < kazer> hi rcopelan 12:27 #navit: < kazer> i need about ~1/2h and we can look into it 12:48 #navit: < kazer> rcopelan: re-reading your question, there's an easy way out : do you need maptool? otherwise you can disable it with "cmake -DBUILD_MAPTOOL=0" 12:56 -!- jandegr [5bb65012@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 14:12 #navit: < rcopelan> kazer don't think I need maptool Will check that shortly.... In the middle of HoloLens for the next 30 14:17 #navit: < kazer> np, i'll be around for a few hours. 14:17 #navit: < kazer> HoloLens? nice what are you doing with that? 14:18 #navit: < kazer> ouch $3000 14:33 #navit: < rcopelan> We're exploring how to use them in our factories. Got 2 14:33 #navit: < rcopelan> one has to go to Europe though 14:41 #navit: < rcopelan> kazer sorry for a stupid question. cmake has the -DFREETYPE_INCLUDE.... already... Do I add a 2nd one? for the BUILD_MAPTOOL? 15:35 #navit: < rcopelan> kazer success! Compiled and downloaded maps. 15:37 #navit: < rcopelan> We'll probably need maptool at some point as we will need to put some uncharted roads and/or routes into the system but for now it should be ok. 15:37 #navit: < rcopelan> Thanks for your help. 15:44 #navit: < rcopelan> kazer well... it did get past the download of maps and then "No rule to make target '/usr/src/navit/navit/maps/maptool, needed by 'navit/maps/osm_bbox_11. Stop. 15:45 #navit: < rcopelan> Stopped at that point. 15:47 #navit: < jandegr> rcopelan -DSAMPLE_MAP=0 15:53 #navit: < rcopelan> Thanks .. running it again 16:02 #navit: < kazer> rcopelan: you can run maptool on something else than your raspberry pi. Converting maps on the pi will probably take too much time to be useful 16:02 #navit: < kazer> rcopelan: you are planning on using roads that are not in OSM? 16:03 #navit: < kazer> btw, you said that one of your hololens has to go to europe. Mind if i ask where you are from? 16:07 -!- jandegr [5bb65012@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:23 #navit: < rcopelan> kazer yes we will be doing some navigation within facilities that don't have official roads so don't show up in regular map systems like OSM. 16:23 #navit: < kazer> interesting 16:24 #navit: < rcopelan> I'm in Georgia. NE of Atlanta. We have a team that will be doing HoloLens development in Europe. 16:25 #navit: < kazer> really cool. If you ever get navit hooked to the HoloLens, please share pictures :) 16:25 #navit: < kazer> in what phase of your project are you with Navit? Just evaluating, or have you started something serious? 16:27 #navit: < rcopelan> yeap.. Navit on Hololens would be really cool. In theory, if it would compile as a Win10 app then it would work. Woudl be an interesting project 16:28 #navit: < rcopelan> right now I'm evaluating. One person trying to convince R&D Engineers and IT Project Leaders that we can build this stuff using Open Source and not pay lots of money to Consultants to do it and then we don't understand it. 16:34 #navit: < kazer> the best part of it that you'll get consulting for free from here :) 16:35 #navit: < rcopelan> :-) but if we do use this for our project then we need to contribute back in some way. 16:36 #navit: < kazer> so when you say "one person trying to convince", i guess it's not you? 16:37 #navit: < rcopelan> Got it compiled and running... no map shows just a little blue circle. I'll try to figure that out tonight. 16:37 #navit: < kazer> regarding contributing back, it can be in a lot of forms. Code is the most appreciated (bugfixes, enhancements). Also we do appreciate backlinks and PR, like a statement that you are using Navit. 16:38 #navit: < rcopelan> It's me trying to do the convincing of the R&D and other IT people. 16:38 #navit: < kazer> otherwise our license is quite permissive, so it's not a hassle 16:39 #navit: < kazer> ok great. I'm around for the next ~3 hours, so ping me if you want to look at your map issue. it should be easy to fix. Probably a file in the wrong folder, or some config issue 16:39 #navit: < kazer> do you have a gps hooked up to your device? 16:39 #navit: < rcopelan> I like to get things going myself then show others by saying.. " I know it is possible since I already did it" 16:40 #navit: < kazer> sure. instead of help, ping me if you need pointers then :) 16:40 #navit: < rcopelan> I do have a GPS.. cgps shows a valid fix 16:40 #navit: < rcopelan> are you in California? 16:40 #navit: < kazer> ok. so definitely a map config issue, if you downloaded a map from our server and put it according the config file 16:40 #navit: < kazer> yes correct 16:48 -!- mode/#navit [+o kazer] by ChanServ 16:48 -!- kazer is now known as KaZeR 16:51 #navit: < rcopelan> Thanks for your help today. I'll see about the map this evening. 16:51 #navit: <@KaZeR> my pleasure 16:56 -!- dav [57146ea3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 16:57 #navit: < dav> hi 16:57 #navit: < dav> is possible disable via xml file disable muose drag? 16:58 #navit: <@KaZeR> hi dav 16:58 #navit: <@KaZeR> mmm. if it's not it would be easy to add. Let me have a look 16:59 #navit: < dav> thank's 17:03 -!- rcopelan [444dab14@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [] 17:06 #navit: <@KaZeR> dav: are you using gui internal ? 17:07 #navit: <@KaZeR> also, android or x86 ? 17:07 #navit: < dav> gtk gui 17:07 #navit: < dav> no 17:07 #navit: < dav> raspbery 17:11 #navit: <@KaZeR> ok 17:12 #navit: <@KaZeR> i don't think that we have a config option right now, can't find it. but i'm experimenting a quick change to disable it 17:12 #navit: < dav> ok 17:13 #navit: < dav> hard problem for me 17:19 #navit: <@KaZeR> ok. here's a dirty hack to see if it does what you want. open navit.c 17:19 #navit: <@KaZeR> look for the function navit_handle_motion() 17:20 #navit: <@KaZeR> before int dx, dy; add a line with "return;" 17:20 #navit: <@KaZeR> recompile, and let me know if it does what you want 17:21 #navit: < dav> look 17:21 #navit: < dav> i try 17:24 #navit: <@KaZeR> ok let me know if you need help 17:25 #navit: < dav> i comment dx, and dy 17:25 #navit: < dav> with // 17:25 #navit: < dav> next... 17:25 #navit: < dav> cmake.... 17:25 #navit: < dav> make 17:26 #navit: < dav> not work 17:26 #navit: < dav> equals 17:26 #navit: < dav> not have effect 17:27 #navit: <@KaZeR> your function looks like this, correct? https://gist.github.com/pgrandin/fe449771d70656cfffc5671b2bd006eb 17:28 #navit: < dav> i find navit_handle_motion 17:31 #navit: < dav> yes 17:31 #navit: < dav> correct 17:32 #navit: < dav> :-( 17:36 #navit: <@KaZeR> mmm odd 17:38 #navit: <@KaZeR> really weird 17:38 #navit: < dav> i add return 17:38 #navit: < dav> try.. 17:44 #navit: < dav> not have effect... 17:44 #navit: < dav> friend.. thank's 17:44 #navit: < dav> ........ 17:45 #navit: < dav> another question... is possible load on start one route? 17:45 #navit: <@KaZeR> i'm trying to understand why it does not work for you. Can you send me a zipfile with your code tree ? 17:45 #navit: <@KaZeR> by default, navit will resume the route to your previous destination when you start if you did not reach the destination 17:47 #navit: < dav> screenshot? 17:49 #navit: < dav> http://prntscr.com/bt0aqt 17:50 #navit: <@KaZeR> yes, looks good. Odd that it does not work 17:50 #navit: < dav> note 17:50 #navit: < dav> i emulate mouse position and click 17:53 #navit: <@KaZeR> what do you mean emulate? 17:55 #navit: < dav> have two app 17:55 #navit: < dav> first in transparent top view 18:11 #navit: <@KaZeR> really weird. i just tried with a fresh checkout, and it still works for me. I'm suspecting an issue with your compilation 18:12 #navit: < dav> boooooo 18:25 #navit: <@KaZeR> can you try to rebuild from scratch? wiping you bin folder and stuff? 18:29 #navit: < dav> i block from my code emulation 18:36 #navit: <@KaZeR> what is your code emulation doing exactly? 18:58 #navit: < dav> only replay.... mouse position 18:59 #navit: <@KaZeR> if you emulate mouse event, it should not matter much. are you able to share your mouse position emulator for me to test on my local dev ? 19:15 -!- dav_ [57146ea3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 19:16 -!- dav [57146ea3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 19:29 -!- circleci-bot [~circleci-@ec2-54-237-114-216.compute-1.amazonaws.com] has joined #navit 19:29 -!- circleci-bot [~circleci-@ec2-54-237-114-216.compute-1.amazonaws.com] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 19:39 -!- dav_ [57146ea3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 19:43 -!- rcopelan [4ab8e725@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 21:17 #navit: < rcopelan> @KaZeR and jandegr FYI... Got the map working. not sure yet how to enter a destination but will get there. Thanks for the help today. 21:30 -!- rcopelan [4ab8e725@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 21:41 -!- bzed [~bzed@shell.bzed.at] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 21:42 -!- bzed [~bzed@shell.bzed.at] has joined #navit 23:27 -!- treaki__ [~treaki@p54BF2826.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #navit 23:31 -!- treaki_ [~treaki@p54BF28EA.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] --- Log closed Fri Jul 15 00:00:41 2016