[14:55:43] Hi all [15:17:32] Hi @jkoan and all. Two questions 1. Is it possible to have separate actions for right and left clicks? 2. Under settings Maps the is an item "Navigation". How can I set this to be always on. This turns on the little turn indicator along the route. Maybe in an OSD when the routing is done? [15:19:06] 1. Good question. I don't think so, but would be a idea. But what should be the actions? [15:21:22] 2. I had the same question some time ago, but could only find out that it could be possible with commands. But as far I found out not from navit.xml [15:24:34] 1. Maybe on_click_left and on_click_righ or on_click[left | right | any ] if omitted use current behavior. 2. What command should I use? [15:36:00] 2: I don't really know right now [15:36:43] 1: you mean to open menus or run commands? [15:45:32] Also let me introduce myself. I have been a Software Engineer since 1968. Since 1980 I have specialized in low level BIOS development. I have worked for Telxon, Cyrix, National Semiconductor, AMD, Intel and DRS Tactical systems. I retired from Intel in 2015.I also am a Maker. I build robots and many gadgets. My Navit platform is a RPI 3B+ with a 1224x1080 non-touch display. I added an aux keyboard with 15 [15:45:33] buttons, 5-way arrows, and a joystick mouse on a teensy 3.2 USB. I have been using it on trips for a while and it works great. [15:48:40] @jkoan 1: either, mostly to get rid of a mapoint on certain touch screens. [15:48:49] *** Joins: udovdh (~udovdh@2001:981:a812:0:213:3bff:fe0f:9fb1) [15:54:35] Introduction continued, I normally use Esp8266. Teensy 3.2 and 4.0, and ATTINY85 processors. I also use raspberry pi's. I am 70 and live in northern Colorado. I like to travel. In 2018 we drove up to Inuvik, Northwest Territory towing our travel trailer. We also go camping in Yellowstone every year. [16:07:58] @jkoan 1. Something like: on_map_click[right]='menu("#Map Point")' on_map_click[left]= something else like recenter() [16:09:05] @jkoan Where is the map setting menu hiding? [16:10:45] @KaZeR Are you the Matt blazer from teensy? [16:12:21] @KaZeR I meant Matt KazeršŸ˜³