[00:32:44] *** Quits: Celelibi (celelibi@2a01:e0a:587:56f0:215:afff:fe49:d5cd) (Ping timeout: 268 seconds) [00:48:43] *** Joins: Celelibi (celelibi@82-64-105-152.subs.proxad.net) [01:45:00] @jkoan look into graph databases [01:46:25] *** Quits: Horwitz (~mich1@p200300ec9f0cd100022268fffe64e7c4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) (Ping timeout: 240 seconds) [01:47:33] i'm not aware of one written in c, so it will have to run as a separate service, but it might be possible. Although its a different approach to the tiles of binfiles [01:50:07] https://neo4j.com/blog/journey-planning-why-i-love-cypher/ [01:50:10] https://neo4j.com/news/railroad-routes-graph-database/ [01:52:30] https://taylor.callsen.me/loading-openstreetmap-data-into-a-graph-database/ [01:52:55] https://medium.com/neo4j/how-i-put-the-world-map-in-a-graph-422b651780e9 [01:56:39] also there is postgis pgrouting that are extensions to postgresql [01:59:23] *** Joins: Horwitz (~mich1@p200300ec9f03f200022268fffe64e7c4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de) [01:59:23] *** ChanServ sets mode: +o Horwitz [04:51:43] @viktorgino i will look into it, but also need to make sure it will work without a Server and on embedded devices. So probably not what can help us. Maybe it can still help us for the convention process (osm data to the new file format) [11:48:26] *** Quits: genesis (~genesis@unaffiliated/genesis) (Read error: Connection reset by peer) [11:54:23] *** Joins: genesis (~genesis@unaffiliated/genesis) [11:54:23] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v genesis [13:31:55] @jkoan yeah it would only make sense if it could be embedded like sqlite [17:35:59] * genesis try to find the tomtom site where there was a superb array of all hardware [17:37:31] https://www.tomtomax.fr/tableau-recapitulatif-tomtom-nav1-2.html [18:18:36] thx genesis for sharing this [18:19:59] in french sorry :P [18:22:42] i dont speak french, but my gilfriend does, and if i need something fast i cann still use google translate or fook up single words with dict.cc [18:23:03] it's pretty obvious anyway =) [19:20:25] jkoan ; do you remember why not update the crosstoolchain on navitom ? [19:20:56] i try something based on https://github.com/thefloweringash/sheevaplug-nix [21:09:01] i never attempted to update the build chain, my biggest concern is still the old kernel. The mainline Kernal does not support tomtom's ot of the box, and so far i wasn't able to get a working dts/dtb. I bought some more debugging equipment, but havent had time to look into it again much after that