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[22:46:10] win7 [22:46:30] any error messages? [22:47:33] no, just no sound - if i use If I use the command that is default in the current build [22:47:59] sorry, but first obvious question [22:48:05] you have espeak installed? [22:48:09] [22:48:41] then I see Add-Type -AssemblyName System.Speech; (New-Object System.Speech.Syn-etc-etc in the navit console window but... nosound [22:48:54] yup, I do :> [22:48:56] have you tried it with a random command? [22:49:05] I mean just speak a text you choose [22:49:07] if I run the old navit, the speech works [22:49:19] so if I run that command in powershell, it does indeed speak [22:49:51] ok, so we can right now exclude that windows doesnt give sound [22:50:14] i was hoping someone would pass by who noticed my issue and uses the windows version who could test, but it seems everyone here uses it in linux XD [22:50:34] I also have a linux machine on the side [22:50:41] I mean a windows machine [22:50:49] but generally I am also a linux guy :-D [22:50:59] let me try to download the build and test myself [22:51:01] do you know if there is a navit command to make navit ding or make another sound perhaps? [22:51:33] as in play back a wave file [22:51:45] worst case we could change the code to do so [22:51:56] i'm wondering if navit is somehow muted but dont know how to test that [22:52:22] as i have had shit like that before where the stupid windows mixer decides to set one program to 0 output for no reason [22:52:50] but that is a bit of a longshot as navit doesnt even appear in the mixer [22:54:58] Would you like a copy of my navit.xml? [22:55:28] (Also thanks for the halp :) [22:55:36] right now, I first need to get a bit familar with navit on windows ;-) [22:55:54] right now wondering what tell_navit.exe does [22:56:31] it seems if you run it with a command line you can send commands to navit as if they were being triggered by buttons [23:00:54] I wonder if we can use it to trigger a sound [23:01:01] how good are you at C? [23:01:02] it's kinda weird because it's calling an external command which, when tested alone, works, so i've no idea why it doesn't work in navit proper [23:01:18] we will figure out [23:01:25] not very... [23:01:40] but at first we need to trigger a sound and be sure it does trigger it [23:01:45] so we have a test case [23:01:47] ja [23:01:56] are you German? [23:02:03] nyet! [23:02:23] i just get bored of saying yes and no all the time in irc :P [23:02:34] no problem [23:02:39] nyet? russian? [23:02:47] and it rubs off on you speaking to so many different country people XD [23:06:08] first I think I need to download a map [23:06:58] then I think we should have a demo vehicle [23:07:01] I would try that then [23:07:17] we can add it in the navit.xml [23:12:47] is yours win10? [23:14:55] the machine I use for testing yes [23:15:01] I wouldnt use win7 anymore [23:16:30] i guess you know it is EOL [23:17:36] @jkoan: do we have a problem with map9.navit-project.org? [23:17:47] I didnt manage to download a map from there [23:17:59] only from map3.navit-project.org [23:21:00] yea, i just refuse to use win10 [23:21:25] when stuff stops working in win7 i'm more likely to go all-in to some random linux [23:21:59] the only things i'd need windows for is games and wine and proton are getting better all the time so... [23:25:08] maybe you can give me some hints for windows [23:25:15] where did you put the map and the navit xml [23:27:02] navit.xml goes in the installation directory [23:27:15] because I notice it is not read [23:27:23] probably C:\Program Files (x86)\Navit\ [23:27:36] and maps goes into e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Navit\maps [23:28:38] then search for the i usually just change the default osm_bbox_11.3,47.9,11.7,48.2.bin one to the name of my one [23:29:15] in the xml [23:31:42] is worth going to setting->maps in the icon menus just to verify it's there as the default map centre will almost certainly be in the Grey void somewhere [23:35:35] ok, I slowly reach there [23:35:45] I see the map [23:35:54] now I just need to figure out where my vehicles are :-D [23:37:00] if you replace the speech line with this: [23:37:22] and put this somewhere with the other osd lines: [23:37:39] it will pop up a button you can press to make it 'say' something [23:37:46] do you see some vehicles in the menu? [23:38:26] in Actions there is a car, which i assume is my gps [23:45:19] now, I just need to manage to activate the demo vehicle [23:45:29] then i think I can tell you if i get sound [23:49:04] could you try the demo vehicle? [23:55:56] hmm, how do i do that? [23:56:05] never used the demo vehicle before :o [23:56:14] me, neither :-( [23:58:29] i mean, i dont think it'll make a difference as the gps generates directions fine - i can see the speech commands to turn appearing in the console [23:58:38] in the menu it helped for me to deactivate tehe vehicle [23:58:42] just no actual speech XD [23:59:50] i get some error messages