--- Log opened Fri Aug 05 00:00:41 2011 00:18 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has joined #navit 00:38 -!- jonlits [18ed3c18@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 00:38 < jonlits> anyone here? 00:39 < jonlits> Trying to get help with using OSM.bin files 00:39 < jonlits> I am trying to upgrade to a newer version of navit but I don't know how 00:44 < curious> jonlits, what is the problem? 00:45 -!- lindi- [~quassel@tachyon.hut.fi] has quit [Quit: No Ping reply in 180 seconds.] 00:45 -!- lindi- [~quassel@tachyon.hut.fi] has joined #navit 00:46 < jonlits> hi 00:46 -!- davem [~davem@skynet.skynet.ie] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:46 < jonlits> help installing a svm release? 00:46 -!- davem [~davem@skynet.skynet.ie] has joined #navit 00:46 < jonlits> im not sure how to use the makefile or sh 00:53 < jonlits> maybe a link to the install help file for the latest build 00:55 < jonlits> scm i meant not svm 00:55 < curious> wchich platform? 00:56 < jonlits> ubuntu 00:56 < jonlits> natty 00:56 < curious> i'm not much genious in this either, but i recall at least for linux it has almost all automatic scripts coming with release 00:56 < jonlits> yes it does for 0.2.0 00:57 < jonlits> I can't get the OSM maps to work 00:57 < jonlits> so I am trying a subversion release 00:57 < jonlits> I think I found the steps to install this 00:57 < curious> btw. for quick build guide from svn you could just use gentoo's ebuild - peek inside it and see what steps are performed and then recreate them 00:58 < curious> help should be also in INSTALL file :) 00:58 < curious> you need to convert osm maps to .bin format ofcourse , it should work out of box 00:58 < curious> i.e. just include them in navit.xml a 00:58 < curious> and it should work 01:02 < jonlits> it isn't working 01:02 < jonlits> the program won't open when I add a .bin file to the maptype option 01:03 < curious> try to start it from console, and see what it dumps when it crashes 01:03 < jonlits> the wiki says the 0.2.0 can't open .bin files 01:03 < jonlits> ??? 01:03 < curious> hum 01:04 < curious> uh, 0.2 seems very old 01:05 < jonlits> I guess that is the Release that comes with Ubuntu Natty 01:05 < curious> i'm grabbing navit-svn-4672 to see how it looks inside 01:06 < curious> nah, it has just plain distribution dir 01:06 < curious> so u get navit-0.5.0 inside, and no toying with autogen etc. 01:07 < curious> just ./configure && make && make install 01:07 < jonlits> i get a prompt from my terminal that says i need gettext 01:07 < jonlits> i than did apt-get install gettext and it says i have the latest version 01:08 < curious> during configure? 01:08 < jonlits> looking at the wiki it says it should work? 01:08 < curious> i just did configure 01:08 < curious> it did not ask about anything 01:09 < curious> i'll check which gettext i do have here... 01:09 < jonlits> how do you do a version check? 01:09 < curious> genlop -i gettext ;) 01:10 < curious> i am using gentoo 01:10 < curious> i have gettext installed 01:10 < curious> you can try gettext --version 01:10 < jonlits> gettext (GNU gettext-runtime) 0.18.1 01:11 < curious> hmm. check config.log then 01:11 < jonlits> in the navit directory? 01:11 < curious> and try to find why it doesn't like your gettext 01:11 < curious> yes, in the directory of source you try to configure 01:12 < jonlits> no log file 01:13 < curious> hmm, must be there 01:13 < jonlits> actually when i tabbed to complete .configure there was nothing there 01:14 < curious> ./configure 01:14 < jonlits> so in terminal should i sudo make? 01:14 < curious> no, you should ./configure first 01:14 < curious> no sudo needed for that 01:14 < curious> just type ls and check if you have configure @ all :) 01:14 < curious> perhaps u entered wrong dir ? 01:16 < jonlits> no configure 01:16 < jonlits> i put the tarball in /home folder 01:17 < curious> you need to untar it first! 01:17 < jonlits> i did that 01:17 < jonlits> extract to /home/navit 01:17 < curious> so, you should have navit-0.5.0 directory, and configure inside 01:18 < jonlits> maybe can you give me the download for the tarball you used 01:18 < curious> http://download.navit-project.org/navit/src/svn/navit-svn-4672.tar.gz 01:21 < jonlits> ok now i think i have a better file 01:22 < jonlits> so i should run ./configure && make && make install 01:23 < jonlits> I think it is working this time 01:23 < jonlits> I appreciate your time 01:24 < curious> :) yw 01:25 < jonlits> was i supposed to sudo? 01:25 < curious> for make install - yes 01:25 < jonlits> ok 01:25 < jonlits> so i will do again 01:25 < curious> ./configure && make should run fine from user 01:26 < jonlits> it tried to create a directory in usr/local/share and it said permission denied 01:28 < jonlits> so now i should be able to type in navit in terminal? 01:28 < jonlits> and it will open? 01:28 -!- KaZeR [~kazer@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 01:29 < curious> hmm 01:29 < curious> no, something was wrong with ur sudo 01:29 < curious> perhaps just move to root via su 01:30 < jonlits> hmm 01:30 < jonlits> a little help? 01:30 < curious> or you can just run it 01:30 < curious> ./navit/navit :) 01:31 < curious> it may miss icons or other weird stuff, but at least quick check if it works/built @ all 01:31 < curious> well, u can move to root console by just typing 'su' 01:31 < curious> it might ask for root pswd ofcz 01:31 < curious> ofcourse 01:32 < jonlits> it is missing the main configure file 01:32 < jonlits> navit.xml 01:32 < jonlits> i might have saved the other one 01:32 < curious> oh. but well, it did build 01:32 < curious> you can just retry sudo make install 01:32 < jonlits> yes it did 01:33 < jonlits> i will try that 01:33 < jonlits> where are you from curious? 01:33 < curious> it should install everything once again, and then you need to copy navit.xml from templates 01:33 < jonlits> I am in alaska 01:33 < curious> lol 01:33 < curious> i'm in Lusatia 01:33 < jonlits> i don't even know where that is 01:33 < curious> don't worry about old navit.xml 01:34 < curious> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lusatia 01:34 < curious> just don't call me swamp-thing ;) 01:35 < jonlits> lol 01:35 < jonlits> i wouldn't 01:35 < curious> well, old navit.xml had crappy layout , so copying new one will be better 01:35 < jonlits> i agree 01:35 < curious> you should have it in /usr/share/navit/navit.xml 01:36 < jonlits> OK 01:36 < curious> ofcourse you need to edit it to add osm binfile, your gps, and so on, for now just copy it and try to start navit , it should at least appear with some demo map 01:36 < jonlits> sweet sudo make install worked 01:36 < jonlits> and i got the sample map to pop up 01:37 < jonlits> now to get north america to pop up 01:37 < curious> it's binfile, so now osm binfiles should work :) 01:37 < jonlits> i think it may work 01:37 < jonlits> thankyou very much 01:37 < curious> yw :) 01:37 < jonlits> maybe someday i will be able to help someone 01:39 < jonlits> Have a good day or whatever time it is there... morning/night 01:39 < curious> it's ~2:41 here :) night :) and enjoy your navit 01:40 -!- KaZeR [~kazer@] has joined #navit 01:40 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 01:57 -!- jonlits [18ed3c18@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 02:04 -!- jffathome__ [~quassel@p5DCCE372.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #navit 02:07 -!- jffathome_ [~quassel@p5DCCE3A1.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 03:04 -!- noradtux [~noradtux@g224052068.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 03:06 -!- noradtux|away [~noradtux@f054121158.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #navit 03:06 -!- noradtux|away is now known as noradtux 03:31 -!- cp15` [jbluek@p57B1C96D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #navit 03:31 -!- cp15 [jzxood@p57B1CAD3.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Disconnected by services] 03:31 -!- cp15` is now known as cp15 03:31 -!- mode/#navit [+o cp15] by ChanServ 03:48 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has quit [Ping timeout: 258 seconds] 03:48 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has joined #navit 04:08 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 04:27 -!- laroche [~laroche@dslb-178-002-183-047.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 04:29 -!- laroche [~laroche@dslb-178-007-201-229.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #navit 05:30 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has joined #navit 05:38 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 06:04 <@Horwitz> morgen 06:15 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has joined #navit 06:20 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 06:39 -!- playya [~playya@unaffiliated/playya] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 06:51 -!- playya [~playya@unaffiliated/playya] has joined #navit 07:56 -!- jffathome__ [~quassel@p5DCCE372.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 08:39 -!- woglinde [~heinold@f052238179.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #navit 08:48 -!- petrs [~petrs@nezmar.jabbim.cz] has joined #navit 08:49 < petrs> hi there.. I have two questions regarding searching for town on openstreetmap in Navit.. Is anybody listening, please 08:59 < woglinde> yes? 09:00 < petrs> woglinde, both are related to Czech map so if you don't have it and don't want to guess then please wget http://maps.navit-project.org/api/map/?bbox=12,48.4,19,51 :-) 09:00 < petrs> woglinde, first thing is that when searching for Zlin town the suggested result is "76001 Zlín", that is ZIP + town name 09:01 < petrs> the ZIP is prepended in Zlin only, I tried couple other towns and it didn't happen. What could have the Zlin wrong in OSM data that it includes the ZIP code? 09:01 < woglinde> yes 09:01 < woglinde> nothing? 09:01 < petrs> or is it a feature to distinguish between different Zlins? 09:01 < woglinde> thats just a feature that zlin have postal code 09:01 < woglinde> and other towns not 09:01 < woglinde> check the osm data 09:01 < petrs> I can "fix" that in OSM 09:02 < woglinde> fix the other towns? 09:02 < woglinde> or is the zip code wrong? 09:02 < petrs> are you suggesting that in other countries Navit always prepends the ZIP code 09:02 < petrs> and that I should better fix the ZIP codes for all other towns in Czech rep.? 09:02 < woglinde> ifyes 09:02 < woglinde> ups yes 09:02 < woglinde> try germany 09:03 < petrs> ok then, glad to know that. I originally was a bit confused that only Zlin came up with the ZIP so... 09:03 < petrs> anyway, the second question might be quite related in certain way 09:03 < petrs> when searching for "Prostjov" two towns pop up in Navit 09:04 < petrs> you can't distinguish between them in any way 09:04 < petrs> so you don't know which one to select 09:04 < woglinde> right 09:04 < woglinde> set the zip code 09:04 < woglinde> ;) 09:04 < petrs> when you select the wrong one you'll directed not to a 30 thousand town but to a 12 house village hidden somewhere in mountains 09:05 < woglinde> http://navit.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/navit/trunk/navit/navit/maptool/osm.c?revision=4671&view=markup 09:05 < woglinde> search for postal_code 09:05 < petrs> my question was thus shouldn't Navit distinguish between large and small towns somehow in the town search 09:06 < woglinde> ? 09:06 < woglinde> add population tag 09:06 < petrs> now I can see the ZIP is the right answer. If there was ZIP for the Prostejov towns (either one) it would allow the searcher to pick up the right one 09:06 < woglinde> *g* 09:06 < woglinde> and change the osm data parase and internal gui 09:06 < woglinde> to show you population instead of postal_code 09:06 < woglinde> both would pop up 09:07 < woglinde> but with postal_code you can distinguish which is which 09:07 < petrs> population might not be the right thing 09:07 < petrs> yes, the ZIP code is the answer 09:07 < petrs> there's another thing called perhaps "area" 09:07 < petrs> not sure about the translation 09:07 < petrs> give me a sec, I'll find an example 09:08 < woglinde> where in the osm parser? 09:08 < woglinde> or in the osm data? 09:08 < petrs> no, in google maps 09:08 < petrs> I am trying to show that the Navit could show something like 09:08 < petrs> Prostejov, area Prostejov 09:08 < petrs> Prostejov, area Chrudim 09:09 < petrs> ah, county 09:09 < woglinde> hm ah 09:09 < woglinde> yes same problem in us 09:09 < petrs> district, canton, county 09:09 < woglinde> there are some thoughts 09:09 < woglinde> but is nt finally implemented yet 09:10 < woglinde> okay till later 09:11 < petrs> anyway, thanks for the explanation regarding ZIP in town search, I'll go ahead and add ZIP codes to other towns in Czech OSM as time permits 09:12 < petrs> also, I have to say that navigation in Navit improves in each revision. I am going to close the bug I opened recently as navigation from Zlin to Plzen works perfectly now. Something must got fixed in the internals 09:14 -!- shuvo [72822358@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 09:14 < shuvo> anyone there? 09:14 < Number6> Morning 09:15 < shuvo> Morning 09:16 < shuvo> can you tell me how can i get current position from gps signal? I downloaded the wince version from svn 09:17 < Number6> Ok. The WinCE version uses your GPS' com port. Do you happen to know what port it is? (All devices are different) 09:19 < shuvo> i added this line in navit.xml reading wiki 09:20 < Number6> Can you try setting the baudrate to 4800 09:20 < Number6> And start from com1 09:20 < Number6> Then go outside and see if you get a GPS lock (If you do, you'll see a blue circle with a dot in it 09:20 < Number6> If not, try com2, com3, etc 09:20 < shuvo> ok. is the port is ok? how do i know the real port? how mant ports are there? 09:20 < shuvo> ok 09:21 < Number6> All the devices are different. Mine was on com2, but yours might be on com4 09:21 < shuvo> ok 09:21 < shuvo> and the baudrate will be 4800? for all the device? 09:22 < Number6> 4800 is the lowest common baudrate. When you find the right port, double the baudrate and try again 09:22 < Number6> Again, on my device, it was 4800 09:22 < shuvo> ok. let me try. i'll let you know. thanks. 09:23 < Number6> No problem 09:24 < shuvo> should i use com2: or COM2: ? 09:25 < Number6> Try 09:29 < kenguest> Number6: you're so smart! <3 09:29 < Number6> Puss 09:31 < kenguest> don't talk to me about puss - four feline feckers fouling the dandy domecile 09:32 < Number6> Puss is Swedish for kiss, you mong 09:33 * kenguest never knew - which is suprising 09:33 < woglinde> petrs intressting the last time I tested the bug was still there 09:34 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has joined #navit 09:35 < petrs> woglinde, I have just svn up (4672) and wget fresh map and it worked fine both to Plzen and to Usti nad Labem 09:35 < woglinde> hm intressting 09:35 < woglinde> okay 09:35 < petrs> woglinde, the only suboptimal thing is the route via Praha/Prague. Going through the city will not work in day time... It should have used the Jizni spojka route 09:36 < petrs> but that should probably be fixed in the OSM - the Jizni spojka should be mapped somehow differently, like a highway or something? 09:37 < petrs> I think it was even mentioned in the bug report - that the mapping in or around Prague should be fixed in OSM but I'd need to check closer how it looks there 09:37 < petrs> that reminds me 09:37 < petrs> how can one point to a part of route and tell navit "not this way" 09:38 < petrs> I think it was part of GTK interface, via mouse right click? but how can one do that in Navit internal GUI used on Nokia N810 and also my brand new Android phone where I am going to install Navit, too? 09:38 -!- woglinde_ [~heinold@g225074059.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #navit 09:41 < petrs> I mean it's useful when you for example know traffic situation (traffic jam), you could tell Navit in advance to recompute and find a better route 09:41 -!- woglinde [~heinold@f052238179.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 09:42 < woglinde_> petrs there is little support for traffic jam informations 09:42 < woglinde_> but not finished 09:43 < petrs> well, that was just an example. I'd like to explore that support and perhaps improve it when I get to it but the question remains: would you find useful if you could point to a route and say "not this way, find another" ? 09:43 < petrs> say in the Prague, to let it find the Jizni spojka before you actually enter the Prague traffic 09:49 -!- petrs [~petrs@nezmar.jabbim.cz] has left #navit [] 09:49 -!- petrs [~petrs@nezmar.jabbim.cz] has joined #navit 09:56 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has quit [Quit: leaving] 10:07 -!- drlizau [~liz@] has joined #navit 10:23 -!- drlizau [~liz@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 10:38 -!- petrs [~petrs@nezmar.jabbim.cz] has left #navit [] 10:41 -!- Amorphous [jan@unaffiliated/amorphous] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 10:44 -!- drlizau [~liz@] has joined #navit 10:45 -!- AngusRF [~Angus@p5B085243.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #navit 10:55 -!- AngusRF [~Angus@p5B085243.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 10:56 -!- Amorphous [jan@unaffiliated/amorphous] has joined #navit 11:17 -!- playya [~playya@unaffiliated/playya] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 11:18 -!- playya [~playya@unaffiliated/playya] has joined #navit 11:30 -!- antenna1 [~ion@dslb-178-007-007-205.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #navit 11:44 -!- arpy [c28a0caa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 11:45 < arpy> woglinde_: hey there! 12:08 < arpy> @cp15: Greetings! 12:10 < woglinde_> yes? 12:12 < arpy> Hi, recently we discussed about problems with building in Win32 12:13 < woglinde_> yes 12:13 < arpy> Me and my friend (alexiswien) solved the issues and managed to create a stable build 12:14 < woglinde_> fine 12:14 < woglinde_> write your stuff in the wiki 12:14 < woglinde_> there are some guys now using cmake and windows 12:15 < arpy> Your wiki is totally wrong how to build under Win32 :-( Maybe it was correct some time ago, but by no chance you will succeed nowadays if you follow it. 12:15 < woglinde_> ? 12:15 < woglinde_> and its not my wiki 12:16 < woglinde_> its our all wiki 12:16 < arpy> Yes, I mentioned it in the Navit-for-Windows Wiki (I was the first one doing so), and referenced the CMake page (which was not referenced at all). 12:18 -!- Eduardo [58d9906c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 12:19 < arpy> It's our all Wiki, well said. But don't you think it would be safe to consider it unfair for a Navit newbie to try hard to follow the build instructions and all the time spent is in vain? Shouldn't it have been mentioned by the elders doing the builds? 12:21 < arpy> My approach would be, now that I know how to do it (took me two weeks, by the way), to write it down in the wiki for other poor guys to find. 12:22 < woglinde_> fine 12:22 < woglinde_> I dont build this much for windows 12:22 < Eduardo> Hello, woglinde! Thank you so much for the help yesterday. :) 12:22 < Eduardo> It builds :) 12:23 < woglinde_> Eduardo good 12:23 < woglinde_> see arpy wrote the wiki for you 12:23 < arpy> But why the hell did I find no working instructions? I assume I am not the first man on earth to build this thing in Win32. There's windows builds available for download. But how were they created? Surely not following the instructions in the wiki! Why did the person doing the builds not update the wiki? That's a little unfair, I am afraid to see. 12:24 < woglinde_> arpy I only tested cygwin some time ago 12:24 < woglinde_> and it worked 12:24 < woglinde_> and that I wrote in the wiki 12:24 < arpy> woglinde, no offense; I would just like to give some suggestins for improvement for the community :-) 12:25 < woglinde_> since then some stuff changed 12:25 < Eduardo> (I am gone - come later, in some minutes, and read) 12:26 -!- drlizau [~liz@] has quit [Ping timeout: 259 seconds] 12:28 < arpy> Of course some stuff changed, as it should always do. But, the one changing stuff should please (please, *begging*, please) update the instructions when knowingly breaking with them, as all followers will suffer! That's a basic rule, no rocket science... 12:29 < Eduardo> woglinde, nobody's perfect, nor systems nor people, and they have limited time. I understand that. But of course I am grateful about any improvement in the documentation. 12:29 < Eduardo> Sorry, that was for arpy :p . 12:29 < Eduardo> Anyway... maybe I should explain my situation. I am sitting here in Eureka AG, a German company which supports BMW on some things. BMW is seriously thinking about incorporating Navit, in some 12:30 < Eduardo> way, to the serial production. That means that Navit would be the basis of the Head Unit of BMW cars in some moment around 2014. Which I consider pretty cool :) . 12:31 < Eduardo> But first they want to develope their own prototypes and integrate all this in the Open Source community. And I am the first step - a simple analysis of Navit. 12:31 < arpy> Well, sometimes the first steps are a little hard to do, before you can run ;-) I'll survive ;-) 12:31 < Eduardo> My problem is that I have no frigging experience on: WinGW or CMake. 12:32 < Eduardo> My software development experience is more like Java, .NET, such stuff. So I am fighting here and I am *so* thankful for the help provided in this channel :) . 12:32 < arpy> @ Eduardo: Both you need, young Padawan :-) 12:32 < Eduardo> Now Navit is compiled. Hurray. But it does not run. Which was already prediceted in the wiki, http://wiki.navit-project.org/index.php/CMake , "Not everything is copied to the build directory, so navit may fail to start after build" 12:33 < Eduardo> My experience with IRC channels is also limited, so I feel really like a n00b . Red color means "message only I can see", I guess. 12:34 < Eduardo> Well, so... now it builds. But it does not run. if somebody has time to help, I am thankful. If not, I will continue my struggle for a while alone and the ask again here :) . 12:34 < arpy> I would so much like to write my Navit-Build-Instructions-for-Win32 to the wiki (as I added the CMake hint), but the Wiki page has some problems with my login session and won't let me login anymore, perhaps after a session timeout in a few hours... 12:34 < Eduardo> (I guess if somebody can help we can open a private conversation or such) 12:34 < Eduardo> arpy... let us chat in private. Maybe I can log in. 12:34 < arpy> do you have the map data structure alignment problem or does it not start at all? 12:35 < arpy> be my guest 12:35 < Eduardo> Not start at all. Are we disturbing here? Should we go to a private conversation? 12:36 < arpy> I am a Navit newbie myself, just managed to build and run in two weeks, I can only answer some basic questions! Maybe a private chat would not be that great therefore, as we need other's help... 12:38 < Eduardo> Maybe. Or maybe I can get your 2-week experience in half an hour and be a happy guy :D . 12:39 < woglinde_> Eduardo you defenitly will drop cp15 an email 12:40 < Eduardo> @woglinde_ : I will, if I am really stuck. Right now I have still hopes. Thanks to you, between other things :) . 12:40 < woglinde_> Eduardo btw. our company made/makes the polizei brandenburg project 12:41 < woglinde_> hm my 12:41 < woglinde_> *g* 12:41 < woglinde_> cp15 is on its own 12:41 < Eduardo> @woglinde_ : :) 12:41 < woglinde_> but he was involved too 12:41 < woglinde_> eduardo is genivi invovled? 12:42 < woglinde_> or cannt you talk about it 12:42 < Eduardo> @woglinde_ : I am not sure... this be the answer to both questions.Of course GENIVI established the plattform to follow, but I do not know much more on this. 12:43 < woglinde_> okay because in meego navit is installed 12:43 < Eduardo> (trying to make it run) 12:44 < woglinde_> hm but I wonder, I didnt heard genivi is using windows 12:45 <@cp15> Good morning 12:45 < woglinde_> he master 12:45 < Eduardo> :D True. This here is the beginning of the beginning of the beginning. I am just trying to analyse a bit Navit, and for that I am installing the development in my computer. 12:45 < Eduardo> Hello, Yoda. I mean, cp15. 12:46 < woglinde_> Eduardo hm you could have setup a vm with linux and would have been maybee faster 12:46 < woglinde_> ;) 12:46 < Eduardo> (trying to find out what I must copy in the build directory to make navit start) 12:46 <@cp15> How I help can you? ;-) 12:46 < Eduardo> woglinde_ Maybe, yes. Now it is too late :D . 12:46 < woglinde_> cp15 Eduardo solved his problems on his owns 12:46 < Eduardo> cp15: I could compile in Windows! So happy! But it does not run. 12:46 < woglinde_> after a little guiding 12:46 < Eduardo> << big guiding 12:47 < woglinde_> oh okay 12:47 <@cp15> What is in the navit.log? 12:47 < Eduardo> cp15: I am stuck in the line "Not everything is copied to the build directory, so navit may fail to start after build". It does fail. 12:47 < Eduardo> A lot of things, master. I make a pastebin :) 12:47 < woglinde_> eduardo did you run make install? 12:47 < woglinde_> and start navit from the install dir? 12:48 < Eduardo> http://pastebin.com/JuY9jJFR 12:48 < Eduardo> Nope, woglinde... I will try, then... 12:48 <@cp15> Doesn't look too bad 12:49 <@cp15> Am I right you haven't modified navit.xml? 12:49 < Eduardo> Correct. 12:49 < Eduardo> I made a copy, navit.xml.local, but still unchanged. 12:49 <@cp15> Look for " navit:navit_init:no graphics 12:50 < Eduardo> Done. 12:50 < woglinde_> yes 12:50 < Eduardo> I do not understand that woglinde said right now... do I "make install" ? 12:50 < woglinde_> cp15 btw. what was the fix with null graphic and event_loop running 12:51 < woglinde_> so dbus works 12:51 < Eduardo> It started! White screen, but the menu came :) 12:51 < woglinde_> yes 12:51 < woglinde_> so no map 12:51 < woglinde_> maybee 12:51 < woglinde_> or wrong position 12:51 < Eduardo> I copied some maps in "map" directory... 12:51 <@cp15> make install is not needed if you are just developing, it will run out of the source tree 12:51 < Eduardo> But yes, wrong position probably. 12:51 < Eduardo> I can correct that. I know how :) 12:52 < arpy> From my little expierience, if you install MinGW, GTK+, CMake, the build configuration will work and the build will run. But Having maps is another thing. 12:52 < woglinde_> eduardo maps have to enabled via an tag and and tag 12:52 < woglinde_> only coping the bin files dont helps 12:52 <@cp15> Another user had a problem with the __attribute__((packed)) which didn't work with win32 gcc for some reason and created invalid zip structs 12:52 < Eduardo> Position corrected... still no image. And also no "-" "+" buttons. 12:52 < arpy> For maps, you will have to solve the alignment issue for Win32-gcc. I posted a patch in the Trac: http://trac.navit-project.org/ticket/910 (hope cp15 doesn't mind *g*) 12:53 < Eduardo> Oh, yes! 12:53 < arpy> @cp15: already solved :-) 12:53 < Eduardo> mapset, correct... sorry, I think I am wasting your time. i will go to "configurate navit" and make all the steps. 12:53 < woglinde_> arpy cp15 will commit them 12:53 < woglinde_> or I 12:54 <@cp15> arpy, where was the problem? 12:54 < arpy> Pleas analyze my code first, I tried to do it in a clean way but of course everyone might have his own style... 12:54 <@cp15> Ah... Ok, I will look at the ticket :-) 12:55 < woglinde_> arpy v2 is right? 12:55 < arpy> well, the problem had been solved for Win32_CE some time ago, and I used the same soluton as there: Since Win32_gcc does not honor the attribute packed, pragma pack has to be used there 12:56 < woglinde_> arpy uhm you doubled it 12:56 < arpy> all are right, the're the same, failed to hit the "replace" checkbox on updating the patch 12:56 < woglinde_> defined (HAVE_API_WIN32) || defined (HAVE_API_WIN32) 12:56 < woglinde_> or should than have been WIN_CE api? 12:57 < arpy> yes, and I left the MSC_VER but integrated it into the defines 12:57 < woglinde_> #if defined (MSC_VER) || defined (HAVE_API_WIN32) || defined (HAVE_API_WIN32) 12:57 < woglinde_> #if defined (MSC_VER) || defined (HAVE_API_WIN32) would be enough? 12:57 < woglinde_> nor 12:57 <@cp15> That doesn't look too nice 12:58 <@cp15> I would like to have something like #ifdef HAVE_PRAGMA_PACK 12:58 < woglinde_> hm we definitly need a patch comment tool 12:58 < arpy> wait, I made a mistake... updating patchfile... 12:59 < woglinde_> cp15 hm wouldnt be a global CPP_MACRO good which either does add the packed attribute or nothing? 13:00 <@cp15> Yes, that would be good, but unfortunately you can't put a #pragma in a macro 13:00 < woglinde_> hm 13:00 < woglinde_> okay 13:00 <@cp15> Then I would have done something like PACKED_STRUCTURE(struct blabla {...}) 13:01 <@cp15> Which would have added __attribute__((packed)) or #pragma pack 13:01 < woglinde_> jupp 13:01 < woglinde_> to bad 13:01 < woglinde_> stupid preprocessor 13:02 < woglinde_> arpy ping 13:02 <@cp15> Also probably a push and a set at the begin and a pop at the end is sufficient for zipfile.h 13:02 < arpy> yep, corrected, we wouldn't want to break the build vor MSVC ;-) 13:03 < woglinde_> hm I think with gcc under cygwin packed work 13:03 -!- sera_ [~sera@134-177.2-85.cust.bluewin.ch] has quit [Read error: Operation timed out] 13:03 -!- sera_ [~sera@] has joined #navit 13:03 < woglinde_> so its maybee only needed when using mingw stand alone 13:04 < Eduardo> My build navit in windows works. Just following the instructions on the wiki :) Demo car, mapset... it seems to work. SO HAPPY! I see no "-" or "+" to zoom, but well, I will find out. 13:04 < Eduardo> Thank you so much everybody. Yipeeeeee...! 13:05 <@cp15> Quite strange that the mingw32 on win32 behaves different to ming32 on linux, or maybe it is a new "feature" that our older linux compiler doesn't have? 13:06 < arpy> of course it should have been, typed too fast, my mistake. 13:07 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@6-135-15.connect.netcom.no] has joined #navit 13:08 < arpy> could someone _please_ remove the second patchfile, without admin rights I can't... thx. 13:11 < arpy> I agree with @cp15 that it would be nicer to have a central packed-construction 13:12 < arpy> woglinde: the whole story would be #if defined (_MSC_VER) || defined (HAVE_API_WIN32) || defined (HAVE_API_WIN32_CE) 13:12 < arpy> the last _CE must have been gone during some copy+paste error.... 13:13 < arpy> you met alexiswien some days ago, credits for the fix as well to him, we worked togeter on this thing :-) 13:18 < arpy> all in all credits go to zaxl for fixing the issue for WIN32_CE in r1595, I just adapted the code to use his fix also for WIN32 :-) 13:19 < arpy> everyone gone or just stunned? *g* 13:21 < Number6> I don't know about everyone else, but I'm eating my lunch :-) 13:23 < arpy> maybe I should grab a cup of coffee then, it's about time... "Mahlzeit!" 13:25 < Number6> In answer to your question earlier, most people here run Linux, arpy. When I used to run Windows, I cross compiled (and still do for WinCE) 13:27 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has joined #navit 13:29 < woglinde_> re 13:29 < Number6> wb 13:32 -!- woglinde_ is now known as woglinde 13:34 < arpy> hi there 13:47 <@cp15> I will do a fix later, can you test it then? 13:48 < arpy> yes, I will be pleased! 13:52 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@6-135-15.connect.netcom.no] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 13:58 -!- antenna1 [~ion@dslb-178-007-007-205.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 14:05 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@6-135-15.connect.netcom.no] has joined #navit 14:09 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 14:10 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has joined #navit 14:14 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@6-135-15.connect.netcom.no] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 14:19 -!- groquik [4ff7670d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 14:31 -!- shuvo [72822358@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 14:47 < groquik> hello, someone there? 14:49 < groquik> I download the fresh bin for winCe yesterday, copied it on my sony Nav 51, configured the navit.xml for the right GPS com port so that navit finds it and gives me the car position 14:50 < groquik> however when i do "menu > action > vehicle > show on map" it just centers the map where I am, but no car symbol (or arrow) is drawn 14:51 < groquik> if I change via the settings the vehicle to the "demo" one, placed at 0, 0, it draws the vehicle symbol correctly 14:51 < groquik> so I guess something is wrong in the drawing order and that the vehicle is not drawn in the right layer. 14:57 -!- cp15 [jbluek@p57B1C96D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 14:57 -!- Eduardo [58d9906c@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 15:15 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:20 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@130-195-15.connect.netcom.no] has joined #navit 15:24 -!- cp15 [qnrsco@p57B1C96D.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #navit 15:24 -!- mode/#navit [+o cp15] by ChanServ 15:29 -!- mase76 [~mase76@p5DD3A82D.dip.t-dialin.net] has joined #navit 15:33 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has joined #navit 15:35 -!- cp15 is now known as cp15_ 15:42 -!- cp15_ is now known as cp15 15:54 -!- Brinky [brinky@faui2k3.org] has quit [Read error: Connection reset by peer] 15:55 < arpy> hey everybody, anyone happen to be a Navit-Trac-Administrator by any chance? 16:01 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@130-195-15.connect.netcom.no] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 16:03 -!- aaaapublic [ca9c0afd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 16:03 < aaaapublic> anyone here ? 16:04 < aaaapublic> i have a quick qns 16:04 < aaaapublic> besides the center="xxx xxx" in the navit tag, how does navit decide what to show as its initial screen ? 16:05 < aaaapublic> i seem to be getting rather random startup screens, but i'm not sure how navit decides to use which one 16:12 < woglinde> arpy kazer is trac admin 16:12 < woglinde> but he is now seldom here 16:12 < woglinde> groquik hm thats trange 16:13 < woglinde> groquik but the position is right? 16:13 -!- korrosa [4f937425@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 16:13 < arpy> cool, thanks! 16:14 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@181-92-212.connect.netcom.no] has joined #navit 16:14 < arpy> @KaZeR_W, would you please be so kind to delete the file I accidentally created? Thanks! Link: http://trac.navit-project.org/attachment/ticket/910/Map_alignment_error_fix.2.patch 16:14 < aaaapublic> woglinde : was that question directed at me ? 16:15 < Number6> korrosa: Still on holidays? 16:15 < korrosa> arpy: It'd be cool if you wrote a new message on that ticket to say that patch number two is not valid. 16:15 < korrosa> Number6: Yup! 16:15 < aaaapublic> navit is starting up in positions that I have been before, but it seems quite random 16:15 < Number6> korrosa: Where are you, again? 16:15 < korrosa> arpy: We usually assume the latest version of each patch to be the correct one, so please note otherwise on the ticket. 16:15 < korrosa> Number6: Spain. 16:16 < korrosa> It's far too hot over here! 16:16 < Number6> Of course, korrosa. Ye all love that country. 16:17 < korrosa> [TRAC] New comment http://trac.navit-project.org/ticket/906 "Text and speech enhancements for English language" 16:18 < korrosa> [TRAC] New comment http://trac.navit-project.org/ticket/909 "Navit slows down dramatically if POI icons are not found" 16:18 < korrosa> [TRAC] New comment http://trac.navit-project.org/ticket/907 "Driving instructions in odd numbers of feet when using imperial measurements" 16:19 < korrosa> [TRAC] New comment (possibly a dupe) http://trac.navit-project.org/ticket/908 "Allow "Demo" vehicle to be available at the same time as another vehicle." 16:19 < korrosa> [TRAC] New ticket with patch http://trac.navit-project.org/ticket/910 "Wrong Byte alignment for Win32 GCC" 16:20 < korrosa> [TRAC] New comment (hurry up and fix this!) http://trac.navit-project.org/ticket/712 "Enable use of smartphone's own 'software' keyboard" 16:21 < korrosa> [TRAC] New ticket with patch http://trac.navit-project.org/ticket/911 "Turning on GPRS/UMTS positioning if GPS does not work" 16:21 < korrosa> ...and that conclude the trac update for this afternoon. 16:22 < aaaapublic> i was the one who added the comment to the ticket 712 16:22 < woglinde> aaaapublic I wonder what you mean with random startup screens? 16:22 < aaaapublic> it's rather important as more people use Navit 16:22 < woglinde> normal behavoiur is map 16:22 < aaaapublic> they are gonna want to use their own keyboards 16:23 < aaaapublic> woglinde : last week I was in Hanoi and Bangkok 16:24 < aaaapublic> I was in Hanoi first. then went to bangkok. 16:24 < aaaapublic> i noticed that, without getting a GPS lock, I was getting Hanoi on my startup screen when I was in Bangkok 16:24 < aaaapublic> then I left Bangkok, and hey, what do you know, Bangkok started appearing on my startup screen. 16:24 < aaaapublic> even now it's doing it ( and I'm no longer in Bangkok) 16:25 < korrosa> aaaapublic: Navit should startup at the last position it was in before you closed down Navit. And last position should be last GPS fix position. 16:25 < aaaapublic> of course if I had a GPS lock, this wouldn't be an issue. But sometimes I'm indoors and just want to browse the map. 16:25 < korrosa> Perhaps you are still in Bangkok... I've heard the stories.... 16:25 < aaaapublic> that's not what is happening. I had a GPS lock this afternoon ( in Singapore ), and now when I run navit, it still shows Bangkok 16:26 < aaaapublic> haha, my heart is certainly still there. 16:26 < korrosa> What device is this? 16:26 < aaaapublic> Android. Samsung Galaxy S 16:26 < aaaapublic> Gingerbread 16:26 < aaaapublic> It's not that big a problem, but I'm just perplexed. 16:26 < korrosa> have you got access to the file center.txt ? 16:26 < korrosa> It's usually in the Navit home folder, but no idea where that is on an Android. 16:27 < aaaapublic> it's probably in the "root" areas of android 16:27 < woglinde> aaaapublic last postion yes 16:27 < woglinde> how else can navit determine where you are 16:27 < aaaapublic> i was thinking it would save the last known position, just like you said. 16:28 < woglinde> yes 16:28 < woglinde> you was in hanoi 16:28 < woglinde> turned off 16:28 < woglinde> off to bankong 16:28 < woglinde> on hanoi 16:28 < woglinde> off bankong 16:28 < woglinde> somewhere else 16:28 < woglinde> on bankong 16:28 < woglinde> where is the error? 16:28 < aaaapublic> yes, tats about right 16:29 < aaaapublic> well, it's still showing bangkok, even though I left 5 days ago 16:29 < woglinde> than you might have no signal 16:29 < aaaapublic> and I have been using navit with the GPS for the last few days, so if its saving its last position correctly, it shouldn't be showing bkk 16:29 < aaaapublic> bkk = bangkok. 16:30 < korrosa> [TRAC] Patch attached http://trac.navit-project.org/ticket/750 "Change location of the navit home directory" (another Dandor special!) 16:31 < korrosa> (That's a bonus trac update!) 16:31 < aaaapublic> i just found a trac defect 16:31 < aaaapublic> 737 16:31 < aaaapublic> Android: Does not restore saved coordinates from the center.txt at startup. 16:31 < aaaapublic> this could be the one, huh 16:31 < woglinde> maybee because it cannt write it 16:32 < woglinde> hehe 16:32 < woglinde> always check trac first 16:32 * woglinde runs 16:32 < aaaapublic> I'm sure it can write it, coz it can update the bookmarks.txt properly, which is in the same place as center.txt 16:33 < aaaapublic> anyway, i guess mystery solved. it seems to be a bug in the android version of navit 16:33 < aaaapublic> according to #737 16:33 < korrosa> aaaapublic: Can you write a "me too" on that ticket please? 16:34 < korrosa> ANd state which version of Navit you 16:34 < aaaapublic> sure 16:34 < korrosa> re using 16:34 < korrosa> Whoops! 16:34 < aaaapublic> ok, will do. 16:34 -!- arpy [c28a0caa@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:34 < aaaapublic> btw, for 750, how exactly do I apply that patch ? 16:35 < korrosa> Do you build your own version of Navit yourself? If not, you can't use it! 16:35 < aaaapublic> rats, no i dun do my own builds. I just get the latest from the SVN tree 16:41 < korrosa> [TRAC] New comment (ME TOO!!) http://trac.navit-project.org/ticket/737 "Android: Does not restore saved coordinates from the center.txt at startup." 16:41 < korrosa> Thanks aaaapublic 16:41 < aaaapublic> Sure. Navit is really useful, and I hope it gains more widespread adoption 16:41 -!- 17WAACEO1 [~quassel@p5DCCE372.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #navit 16:42 < woglinde> aaaaapublic than start to learn how to compile it yourself 16:42 < woglinde> it isnt that hard 16:42 < aaaapublic> I'm not really a programmer or developer 16:44 < woglinde> you dont need for compiling stuff 16:44 < woglinde> its just downloading the android sdk 16:44 < woglinde> check out navit source 16:44 < woglinde> apply patch 16:44 < woglinde> compile it 16:45 < woglinde> and then you will get an unsigned apkg 16:45 < woglinde> ups akg 16:45 < woglinde> args 16:45 < woglinde> apk 16:45 < aaaapublic> sounds complicated. I'm feeling faint already :-) 16:47 < woglinde> na 16:47 -!- takuan [~takuan@61-22-86-191.rev.home.ne.jp] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 16:47 < woglinde> complicate is to understand cp15's code sometimes 16:48 < aaaapublic> Haha, its all relative. 16:48 < aaaapublic> hey, i have one more question 16:48 < aaaapublic> if I press and hold on the navit screen, it pops up a "drive here" balloon 16:49 < aaaapublic> how do I get rid of that ? 16:49 < aaaapublic> does not seem to be in navit.xml 16:50 < woglinde> uhm 16:50 < woglinde> didnt see that 16:50 < aaaapublic> its in the android build 16:50 < woglinde> yes 16:50 < woglinde> but I used it on android and didnt see the balloon 16:50 < aaaapublic> oh ? 16:51 < woglinde> maybee it comes from the google maps integration 16:53 < aaaapublic> I'm using maps from planet extractor 16:53 < aaaapublic> i can see this behavior on my current Android build 16:54 < aaaapublic> but I have to press and hold pretty long 16:54 < aaaapublic> sometimes it does not appear 16:55 < aaaapublic> is there a handler in navit.xml that handles long press ? 16:55 < woglinde> yes thats the android/navit google maps integration 16:55 < woglinde> I think 16:55 < woglinde> no 16:56 < aaaapublic> eh... even if I'm not using googlemaps ? 16:56 < woglinde> yes 16:59 < aaaapublic> so, that's a feature i guess 17:25 -!- korrosa [4f937425@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:33 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@181-92-212.connect.netcom.no] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 17:33 -!- korrosa [~netbook@37.Red-79-147-116.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has joined #navit 17:34 < korrosa> ping cp15 - wiki is not allowing me to logon, either from the wiki or trac. 17:35 < korrosa> This is the message it shows when trying to log in from the wiki: http://i.imgur.com/Abdlh.png 17:37 < woglinde> korrosa hm I had that too yesterday 17:37 < woglinde> proably the diskspace is full again 17:38 <@cp15> Yep 17:39 < woglinde> cp15 why the diskspace overruns this often? 17:39 < woglinde> the spam? 17:39 -!- mase76 [~mase76@p5DD3A82D.dip.t-dialin.net] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 17:42 < korrosa> Well, that was a quick debug - let me know when I can get back on to let my creative juices flow... 17:44 <@cp15> Ok, filesystem is now larger, wiki hopefully works again 17:45 < korrosa> I'm in - everybody, BACK OFF!! 17:46 <@cp15> woglinde, I am not sure... Probably because duplicity puts huge cache files there 17:49 -!- aaaapublic [ca9c0afd@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 17:53 -!- AlexWien [3eb2a7e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 17:53 < AlexWien> Hi 17:55 <@cp15> Hi AlexWien 17:55 < AlexWien> Finally arpy and I have been successfull building navit under windows for windows. There are still problems like crashing when typing the streetnumber 17:56 < AlexWien> Hi CP 17:56 <@cp15> You mean the house number? 17:57 < AlexWien> yes the house number 17:57 < AlexWien> a null pointer in strlen, dont rememebr will post here on monday, when we cannot resolcve it easily 18:01 < AlexWien> when we finally succeeded, we will extend the wiki for cmake, for building under windows 18:02 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@2001:16d8:ee9a:0:1a3d:a2ff:fe46:6a0c] has joined #navit 18:08 < groquik> @woglinde: (nmea) position is correct --> action/vehicle shows the right one and "show on map" brings me on the right street 18:09 < AlexWien> bye the way: There is error on the wiki describing the center position tag im xml 18:09 < AlexWien> 4808 is not 48.08° like described, it is 48° 8' 18:15 < AlexWien> I have a question about via point routing: would that work with lets say 50 via points on a 10km route, or would that be a not so good idea? 18:17 <@cp15> Would probably work, but will probably take some time 18:18 <@cp15> I would extend the routing for that case like this: 18:18 <@cp15> Take start and end point and calculate a route between them 18:19 <@cp15> Get the via which is most remote from the route, and add it to the routing 18:19 <@cp15> Re-Calculate the routing 18:19 < AlexWien> yes that was my idea, too: 18:20 < AlexWien> The idea is to set a given route, calculated by an external system, its a energy efficient route 18:20 <@cp15> That will probably get you away with 2 or 3 via points 18:20 < AlexWien> yes exatly 18:22 < CIA-69> martin-s * r4673 /trunk/navit/ (8 files in 3 dirs): Fix:Build:Better approach for #pragma pack vs __attribute__((packed)) 18:22 < AlexWien> Calculate one route with navit, compare it to the given route, find the extreme point, (most away), ,set the waypoint, recaultae with navit routing to waypoint, and recursive do that again till there are no deviations 18:24 < AlexWien> And my other idea: 18:24 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@2001:16d8:ee9a:0:1a3d:a2ff:fe46:6a0c] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 18:24 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@2001:16d8:ee9a:0:1a3d:a2ff:fe46:6a0c] has joined #navit 18:24 <@cp15> BTW: I have reworked the packing stuff, can you please try whether it works for you? 18:25 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@2001:16d8:ee9a:0:1a3d:a2ff:fe46:6a0c] has quit [Client Quit] 18:25 < AlexWien> Algo2: read the navit osm map with our map matching system; match the given route to the navit map, that way that the result is a sequence of street segement ids (i call them link ids) 18:26 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@2001:16d8:ee9a:0:1a3d:a2ff:fe46:6a0c] has joined #navit 18:26 < AlexWien> and the ids are native navit iods 18:26 < AlexWien> ids 18:26 < AlexWien> then mark the path along the ids, this should bring navit to route along them 18:27 < AlexWien> problems are rerouting when leaving the route. 18:27 <@cp15> Yes, but the ids will be only the same on exactly the same map 18:27 < AlexWien> yes, that map mathcing must be done on exactly the mape that navit uses 18:30 < AlexWien> Which approach cp, what are the disadvantages of either solution, asuming the map matching system works well ? 18:32 < AlexWien> Thanks for the packing stuff, I will retry it latest on monday, maybe tomorrow. We have only find two files, so thanks that you have reworked that. 18:32 <@cp15> Well, I would prefer the first approach, since it will be of more general use 18:33 < AlexWien> The first apporach will not need a map matching system, that is an advantage 18:33 < AlexWien> The disadvantage might be the speed 18:34 < AlexWien> But I will measure this; use case is inner city routing 18:37 < AlexWien> So I have to leave now, Bye and thanks for the support. 18:40 <@cp15> Ok, good bye 18:52 -!- AlexWien [3eb2a7e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] 19:14 -!- noradtux is now known as noradtux|away 19:16 -!- arnotixe [~arnotixe@2001:16d8:ee9a:0:1a3d:a2ff:fe46:6a0c] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 19:19 -!- drlizau [~liz@] has joined #navit 19:37 -!- korrosa [~netbook@37.Red-79-147-116.dynamicIP.rima-tde.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 19:45 < Number6> Evening, all 19:52 < woglinde> re n6 19:55 < Number6> ty 21:21 -!- antenna1 [~antenna1@dslb-178-007-007-205.pools.arcor-ip.net] has joined #navit 21:47 -!- antenna1 [~antenna1@dslb-178-007-007-205.pools.arcor-ip.net] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 22:03 < groquik> i'm back with my depiction problem, I try to "set as position" after clicking some where on the map, then click elsewhere "set as destination" --> I see the actual position (the one I clicked) 22:21 <@cp15> And do you get a route? 22:24 < groquik> i get a route from the clicked position to the other clicked one 22:25 < groquik> but no way to tell navit to set again the current position to the vehicle one 22:25 < groquik> even if the "menu>action>vehicle" still shows my current position (I admit I'm static and not moving) 22:39 < groquik> sounds like the vehicle/wince/vehicle_wince.c does not transmit the nmea position as "current" position, but I can't find where in the code 22:40 < drlizau> cp15: did you ask me yesterday about night/day changes? 22:40 < groquik> any help would be great. should I open a ticket? (tomorow) 23:15 -!- groquik [4ff7670d@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 23:32 -!- AlexWien [3eb2a7e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 23:35 -!- drlizau [~liz@] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:42 -!- woglinde [~heinold@g225074059.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Quit: zapp] 23:56 -!- AlexWien [3eb2a7e2@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 252 seconds] --- Log closed Sat Aug 06 00:00:41 2011