--- Log opened Wed Aug 06 00:00:41 2014 00:04 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 00:04 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@] has joined #navit 00:04 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 00:48 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 01:19 -!- curious [curious@ejb106.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 01:22 -!- curious [curious@ejb106.internetdsl.tpnet.pl] has joined #navit 01:54 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #navit 01:54 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 04:56 -!- noradtux_ [~noradtux@2a02:8108:1940:914:b067:a490:fa21:13d] has joined #navit 04:57 -!- noradtux [~noradtux@2a02:8108:1940:914:d181:67cb:a7f7:4f0f] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 04:57 -!- noradtux_ is now known as noradtux 06:18 -!- bafplus [~bafplus@5ED0A3EE.cm-7-1c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- The alternative IRC client] 06:24 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 06:29 -!- noradtux [~noradtux@2a02:8108:1940:914:b067:a490:fa21:13d] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 06:34 -!- noradtux [~noradtux@2a02:8108:1940:914:1519:c74c:5601:a3d6] has joined #navit 06:59 -!- tauso [~TAugustin@] has joined #navit 06:59 #navit: < tauso> KaZeR, abot the distance metric problem: maybe svn version 5822 is the clue: "Refactor:core:Mark unused attribute types." 07:00 #navit: < tauso> at a short look, the distance_metric is also marked. 07:01 #navit: < tauso> Maybe it is really unused, but then it should be removed from the navit.xml files too 07:22 -!- Mineque [~Mineque@89-68-233-84.dynamic.chello.pl] has joined #navit 07:33 -!- Mineque [~Mineque@89-68-233-84.dynamic.chello.pl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 07:34 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #navit 07:34 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 07:39 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 07:44 -!- tauso [~TAugustin@] has left #navit [] 08:08 -!- Robotaxi [3ef5dbf5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 08:35 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #navit 08:35 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 08:40 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 08:53 -!- Brinky [brinky@faui2k3.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 08:53 -!- woglinde [~henning@g225127088.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #navit 08:53 -!- latouche_ [~Latouche@reverse-169.fdn.fr] has quit [Ping timeout: 266 seconds] 08:53 -!- latouche [~Latouche@reverse-169.fdn.fr] has joined #navit 08:54 -!- Brinky [brinky@faui2k3.org] has joined #navit 08:54 -!- woglinde [~henning@g225127088.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Client Quit] 08:54 -!- woglinde [~henning@g225127088.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #navit 09:15 -!- drlizau [~liz@billiau.net] has joined #navit 09:27 -!- woglinde_ [~henning@f053003014.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #navit 09:30 -!- woglinde [~henning@g225127088.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 09:32 -!- woglinde [~henning@g225019183.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #navit 09:35 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #navit 09:35 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 09:35 -!- woglinde_ [~henning@f053003014.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 09:42 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 10:14 -!- bafplus [~bafplus@5ED0A3EE.cm-7-1c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #navit 10:17 #navit: < bafplus> Good day everyone 10:20 #navit: < woglinde> hi bafplus 10:35 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #navit 10:35 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 10:36 #navit: < bafplus> Does anyone noticed the extra offset when navigating in 3d mode? When in 2D the "car" is almost dead-on target, but when in 3d it seems like it is about 30 meters behind the actual location... 10:42 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 11:02 -!- [1]bafplus [~bafplus@go.allip.nl] has joined #navit 11:04 -!- bafplus [~bafplus@5ED0A3EE.cm-7-1c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 11:04 -!- [1]bafplus is now known as bafplus 11:08 -!- gringo [~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 11:10 -!- bafplus [~bafplus@go.allip.nl] has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Po-ta-to, boil em, mash em, stick em in a stew.] 11:16 -!- gringo [~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo] has joined #navit 11:36 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #navit 11:36 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 11:42 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 244 seconds] 12:09 -!- drlizau [~liz@billiau.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 12:11 #navit: < Navit> The following compiles failed: http://download.navit-project.org/logs/navit/wince_arm/svn/navit-svn-5830.failed 12:11 #navit: < Navit> See compile results history at http://download.navit-project.org/logs/navit/stats.html 12:26 -!- jandegr [51f353a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 12:36 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #navit 12:36 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 12:36 -!- Mineque [~Mineque@89-68-233-84.dynamic.chello.pl] has joined #navit 12:41 #navit: < Mineque> hello 12:42 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 264 seconds] 12:43 #navit: < jandegr> Hi, I would like to report an issue I have with navigation to housenumbers 12:44 #navit: < jandegr> I made a description of my isuue : https://db.tt/9sCwUD9O 12:51 #navit: < Mineque> jandegr, maybe create account on wiki so you could add new tickets/ 12:51 #navit: < Mineque> ? 12:57 #navit: < jandegr> I tried to register for the forum but did not succeed, will try again to register later but report it here anyway 12:57 #navit: < jandegr> because irc seems more alive 13:11 #navit: < Mineque> jandegr, register at wiki 13:11 #navit: < Mineque> then wait for admin confirm. in the meantime we keep in minds reauest 13:11 #navit: < Mineque> request 13:11 #navit: < Mineque> but i'm not dev ;) 13:13 #navit: < jandegr> ok, just did a request account on the wiki, I'll await a reply. 13:16 #navit: < jandegr> Thx 13:23 #navit: < Mineque> it's small community so patient is requested ;) 13:37 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #navit 13:37 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 13:43 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 14:37 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #navit 14:37 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 14:42 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 15:32 -!- [GABRI] [GABRI@] has joined #navit 15:32 #navit: < [GABRI]> hi people 15:32 #navit: < [GABRI]> i am newbie 15:32 #navit: < [GABRI]> i discovered navit five minuts ago 15:37 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has joined #navit 15:37 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 15:37 #navit: < [GABRI]> hi KaZeR 15:37 #navit: < woglinde> gabri and now? 15:38 #navit: < woglinde> or just hello? 15:38 #navit: < [GABRI]> it's possible to change the style of the navit maps? 15:38 #navit: < [GABRI]> can i use mapbox or similar? 15:38 #navit: < woglinde> you can change the icons yes 15:38 #navit: < woglinde> and the shapes abit 15:38 #navit: < woglinde> but it is a lot of work 15:39 #navit: < [GABRI]> mm woglinde i need that: http://www.skobbler.com/images/company/foreverMap_navigation_turnByTurnAdvice.jpg 15:39 #navit: < [GABRI]> if it's possible with navit? 15:41 #navit: < woglinde> hm nearly 15:42 #navit: < woglinde> please have a look at the wiki 15:42 #navit: < woglinde> there is all described and some other look and feels 15:42 #navit: < woglinde> http://wiki.navit-project.org/ 15:42 #navit: < [GABRI]> i read that 15:43 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@c-67-161-64-186.hsd1.ca.comcast.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 15:43 #navit: < [GABRI]> i was looking for integrate with tile but i can't search anythin 15:43 #navit: < woglinde> so why you ask than? 15:43 #navit: < [GABRI]> i only found this: http://maps9.navit-project.org/ 15:43 #navit: < woglinde> we have no other answers as the wiki 15:43 #navit: < [GABRI]> but i don't know hot to customize 15:44 #navit: < woglinde> gabri and you must differ btw. the map style and the osd 15:44 #navit: < woglinde> both are seperate topics 15:45 #navit: < [GABRI]> ok 15:45 #navit: < [GABRI]> i can change the map style? 15:45 #navit: < [GABRI]> i found that: http://wiki.navit-project.org/index.php/List_of_all_config_options 15:46 -!- bafplus [~bafplus@5ED0A3EE.cm-7-1c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #navit 15:47 #navit: < woglinde> hm you mean that the streetnames are in seperate boxes? 15:47 #navit: < woglinde> hm okay I think thats not possible 15:48 #navit: < [GABRI]> no my question is how i can create layouts similar as this: http://wiki.navit-project.org/index.php/Layout/snow 15:48 #navit: < [GABRI]> it exist any tool, to create this xml layouts? 15:50 #navit: < woglinde> there was some editor 15:50 #navit: < woglinde> dont know the state but mostly you have edit the xml tags yourself 15:53 #navit: < [GABRI]> mm ok woglinde 15:54 #navit: < [GABRI]> i need create a custom gps software in android platform, with routing, offline maps etc 15:54 #navit: < [GABRI]> do you recommend navir for it? 15:54 #navit: < woglinde> depends on your needs and your knowledge 15:54 #navit: < woglinde> and you license knowledge 15:55 #navit: < bafplus> [GABRI] Hy, i sugest you download one of the OSD layouts from the wiki and take a look at code. Its pretty straight forward. 15:55 #navit: < woglinde> navit is gplv2 so if you give your custom software to someone you MUST give him the sourcecode and instructions/buildsystem too 15:56 #navit: < bafplus> and may not be sold ;-) 15:59 #navit: < [GABRI]> i think that you can sell de product if your distribute the source code 16:09 #navit: < bafplus> I guess you can, but why sell a open-source programm? 16:09 -!- Robotaxi [3ef5dbf5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Ping timeout: 246 seconds] 16:09 #navit: < woglinde> bafplus sure you can sell it 16:09 #navit: < woglinde> there is no clause in the gplv2 that forbid you to sell the soft 16:13 -!- KaZeR [~KaZeR@] has joined #navit 16:13 -!- mode/#navit [+o KaZeR] by ChanServ 16:18 #navit: <@KaZeR> hi there 16:19 #navit: <@KaZeR> [GABRI]: actually there is some example of alternatives layout in the wiki 16:20 #navit: <@KaZeR> example : http://wiki.navit-project.org/index.php/Layout/mapnik-for-mdpi 16:20 #navit: <@KaZeR> which will give something like this : https://raw.githubusercontent.com/pgrandin/navit-nuc-layout/master/screenshot.png 16:26 #navit: <@KaZeR> bafplus: no never noticed that. that's really weird. if you switch between mode do you get back to the correct position? 16:37 #navit: < bafplus> yes, if i switch back to 2D it is correct again. It looks like it has something to do with "tilting" the map that sets the corsor back respectively. 16:38 #navit: < bafplus> I did the first fully roadtest today and i must say it works like a charm!, Just some minor bugs like some missing speech wav. 16:39 #navit: < Mineque> bafplus, did you figured out layout changing? 16:40 #navit: < bafplus> I noticed some other (small) things. When i see the speedcam icon on the map it is almost completely white, like there is some filter/layer over it. 16:41 #navit: < bafplus> Also with speedcams, it gives you a tekst warning from about 1000 meters before. Is this not a bit to much? Of you have multiple cams in the vacinity (like in big city's etc) you ALWAYS have the speedcam tekst in OSD and the vocal warning. 16:43 #navit: < bafplus> Also it is vissable AFTER you have past in, the distance getting bigger until 1000mtr. Is it possible to "hide" the speedcam tekst if the distance is getting bigger instead of chorter (meaning you are driving AWAY from the speedcam)? 16:44 #navit: < bafplus> Mineque: No not yet, for now i use 2 buttons, it also works but it would be nicer to have just one toggle button. 16:45 #navit: < Mineque> or sth like siri "Navit, change layout" 16:45 #navit: < Mineque> :P 16:46 #navit: < bafplus> BTW...who "wrote" the TTL using wav files bit? 16:46 #navit: < bafplus> That would be cool Mineque 16:47 #navit: < bafplus> tts using wav files.... 16:48 #navit: < bafplus> or anyone familiar with that piece of code? 16:48 #navit: <@KaZeR> it's an old piece of code :) 16:49 #navit: <@KaZeR> the idea is quite simple, it will just cut your sentences in chunks of groups of words matching the wav files you have 16:49 #navit: <@KaZeR> when your technicians are in the field, do they have internet access on their laptop? 16:50 #navit: < bafplus> Yes, we have constant 3G (if available) 16:53 #navit: < bafplus> I understand, i was just thinking...if we can use the strings BEFORE it is translated, you can make fixed arguments. That way you can simplefy using the wav-files from Garmin or TomTom, the actual translating is done in the wav-files itself instead of the source. I haven't/can't read the source, but i'm guessing it already has fixed arguments/commands that ar in turn translated using the language file and then "read" out loud am i right? 16:54 #navit: <@KaZeR> well that would be quite complicated.. because you can't just translate a word or a chunk of word, most of the time it won't give an accurate result 16:54 #navit: <@KaZeR> i personally found espeak / festival to be really robotic, so instead i'm now using this script : https://gist.github.com/pgrandin/985946702604d662e9ca 16:55 #navit: < bafplus> The voice files for garmin/TomTom all are named the same, regardless of the actual spoken language. Like right_turn.wav says "turn right" in english but also says "ga rechts" if using the dutch wav files 16:55 #navit: <@KaZeR> the idea is that if you have internet access, it will download a TTS from google's translate, and cache it. if it's already in the cache it just says it 16:55 #navit: <@KaZeR> bafplus: nice, but what about "Turn right in 200m into the street blah? " :) 16:56 #navit: <@KaZeR> (and also those sound files are probably under some kind of copyright) 16:57 #navit: < bafplus> That is also build of multiple wavs like: turn_right.wav, in_200_meters.wav (streetnames are not spoken from wav but with TTS) 16:58 #navit: < bafplus> So the principel is the same, but it passes it to the voice_command a bit earlyer in the code. 17:02 #navit: <@KaZeR> mmm 17:04 #navit: < bafplus> And there are a lot of free voices and even a program to record you're own files... 17:05 #navit: < bafplus> So in short...the actual spoken tekst is not dependand of the language-file output, but from the output generated from the actual route_directions generated in the code BEFORE it is converted bij the language file. 17:09 #navit: <@KaZeR> i'm not sure that it would work for all languages. Mineque, any thoughts about polish? your language is so complicated :) 17:12 #navit: < Mineque> um, from where i should start reading? 17:12 #navit: < bafplus> I think that the trick to make that work is in the wav file sitself, hoe the sentences are "build" is in basic the same idea. 17:12 #navit: < Mineque> sorry not following currently 17:13 #navit: <@KaZeR> thanks for you help Mineque :D 17:13 #navit: < Mineque> reading ... wait 17:13 #navit: < Mineque> :D 17:14 #navit: < Mineque> in short, you would need to record half of dictionary to make it work in polish 17:15 -!- woglinde_ [~henning@g225163186.adsl.alicedsl.de] has joined #navit 17:15 #navit: < Mineque> i mean size of total words 17:16 #navit: < Mineque> each variants of word, verbs etc 17:16 #navit: < Mineque> i guess polish is in top3 most hard to learn languages 17:16 #navit: < Mineque> ;) 17:17 #navit: < bafplus> Example: The direction "after 100 meters take the roundabout at the first exit" can be constructed as "After 100 Meters RbExit1" Correponding to these wav files: http://pastebin.com/afqeBNRn 17:18 #navit: < bafplus> Thes wav files are one word or a complete or half sentence. 17:18 #navit: < bafplus> That way, if you want another language to be spoken you ONLY have to replace the wavs with ones with the other language but using the same filenames 17:19 -!- woglinde [~henning@g225019183.adsl.alicedsl.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 256 seconds] 17:19 #navit: < bafplus> I even think that Polish is "build" the same way 17:19 #navit: <@KaZeR> then it would require to change the code to be able to output speech synthesis in a language different than the UI 17:20 #navit: <@KaZeR> because each parts of the sentence is translated using gettext at the time the sentence is built 17:20 #navit: <@KaZeR> mmm. i actually don't know how to ask gettext to use two different languages at the same time 17:20 #navit: < Mineque> bafplus, you could check navit's launchpad translation page 17:21 #navit: < Mineque> to see how it is built 17:21 #navit: < Mineque> sentences 17:21 #navit: < Mineque> from what pieces 17:23 #navit: < woglinde_> @KaZeR hm changing the lang set before the call 17:31 #navit: < bafplus> Thats, what i said...if we can use the string BEFORE it is send to gettext, you can transform to to match the wav files names and send it to the peech (wav) function 17:33 #navit: < bafplus> But i was just thinking out load ;-) 17:33 #navit: <@KaZeR> woglinde_: good idea 17:35 #navit: < bafplus> You have to redifine lang_set commands or leave it and make a second transition only for the speech function that can "translate" the current commands to match the tomtom?garmin wav file names 17:40 #navit: <@KaZeR> bafplus: we might need to start tracking the result of this discussion in a feature request ticket i guess 17:42 #navit: < bafplus> @KaZeR, about the google tts, we are trying to minimize using 3G as less as possible. What i did for now is use a TTS programm (like de microsoft TTS) that has ea better voice and "record" all the commands and use those wav files. But it would be reaaaaaaaaaaaly great to have a GOOD and CLEAR tts that can also say streatnames and such 17:47 #navit: <@KaZeR> bafplus: actually the bandwidth required isn't that bad imo, something like "turn right in 200m into the street foo street" is about 16400 bytes ( and you can cache it) 17:48 #navit: < bafplus> If you can cache it, why not make wav files out of it straight away...? 17:50 #navit: < bafplus> best thing would be to find a better TTS (or voice) tha espeak that sounds more natural 17:51 #navit: < bafplus> that way you have no problem at all with all the different commands and different languages (but the Navit language file has to be correct, for dutch it sometimes "doiubles" the meters so it will say" take the next exit after 100 meters meters) 17:51 #navit: < bafplus> Don't know if thats a translation error or a string error from source... 17:53 #navit: <@KaZeR> you don't really need to make a wav file, because you are directly getting an mp3 17:53 #navit: < bafplus> just another question, are settings saved when set in the menu? Now if you cange to, say, another maplayout or vehicle, it reverts back to "standard" when you exit and relaunch navit 17:53 #navit: <@KaZeR> for the TTS, i'm not aware of another TTS system that we could freely use in navit 17:54 #navit: <@KaZeR> for the meters meters, that sounds like a translation issue. do you have an exact speech output so that i can check ? 17:54 #navit: < bafplus> not regardless of OS, you can use microsoft speech but that won't work with other OS 17:55 #navit: <@KaZeR> that's also why the speech can be used using a command line output, so that you can rely on the best solution for your platform :) 17:55 #navit: <@KaZeR> do you know how to use microsoft TTS from the command line ? 17:55 #navit: < bafplus> But my opinion is that if we can redesign the wav function that would make a huge step forward 17:55 #navit: <@KaZeR> some settings are saved, some aren't because so far we considered them being session-wise. if you're unhappy with one of them we can change that 17:56 #navit: <@KaZeR> i'm personnaly not convinced that wav is the way to go, because it will probably not give decent results for most languages. but i might be wrong :) 17:57 #navit: < bafplus> I don't know, but at first glance garmin/tomtom use fixed strings, and looks like that works for them ;-) 17:59 #navit: < bafplus> But i need to do some further research on how other languages are handeld, like Polish for example, if the wav files are the same a good guess would be that it would be a multi-langial option and that teh "special speech" is handled from the wavfiles itself...but since i don't speak more tha 2 languages it would be hard to compare if you dont know the correct sentences from the aother language 18:00 #navit: < bafplus> \ 18:00 #navit: < bafplus> But, its just an idea, the wav works great for me at this point! 18:01 #navit: < bafplus> Next thing is to clean the wav files up a bit using other voices etc, but technicaly it works! 18:01 #navit: < bafplus> I will try to make a wiki manual on how to make GOOD voices using the present languagestrings. 18:02 #navit: < bafplus> Btw...whats the diffenance between the latest build and the build at the bottom? are they both the same? 18:05 #navit: < bafplus> And before i am seen as a big complainer ;-) 18:06 #navit: < bafplus> my respects to all of you! This is a great piece of software! One of few tha actualy is FULLY WORKING and actively developt aswell! 18:06 #navit: < bafplus> I big thumbs up for the complete team and everyone envolved! 18:08 #navit: < bafplus> Question many of many: Is it possible to put the translation .po outside of the exe (just like navit.xml)? 18:08 #navit: < bafplus> That way you can make small changes to translations without rebuilding/compiling everything.... 18:11 #navit: < bafplus> or change it to the way you want. Or maybe make an override function like, use file from Navit UNLESS user has languagefile in PATH/FILE/ 18:12 #navit: < bafplus> Also it would be nice to have the option to change the look and feel of the menu, now you can rearange icons/screens but you cannot change backgroundcolor etc 18:13 #navit: <@KaZeR> yeah a wiki page to share your finding / solution would be great :) 18:13 #navit: < bafplus> but i will stop venting my mind for now ;-) 18:14 #navit: <@KaZeR> don't worry, we're not seeing that as complaints, rather as improvement suggestions. I think that the opinion of new users is especially useful because it gives a fresh view on the quirks and issues of navit 18:15 #navit: <@KaZeR> under linux, the .po files are compiled into .mo and you can alter them without rebuilding the executable, but i'm not sure for windows 18:16 #navit: <@KaZeR> i agree that the main menu needs some UI improvements :) 18:16 #navit: < Mineque> YEEEEEEEES 18:16 #navit: < Mineque> btw, 18:16 #navit: < Mineque> if menu is somehow html 18:16 #navit: < Mineque> why not make all html 18:16 #navit: < Mineque> and to that 5 18:17 #navit: < Mineque> and yo've got fancy animations :P 18:17 #navit: <@KaZeR> the idea is interesting but that's really a lot of work 18:17 #navit: <@KaZeR> bafplus: you might be interested in https://translations.launchpad.net/navit if you find translations issues 18:17 #navit: < bafplus> The MO file is there in the localle->nl folder but i cant open it on windows 18:18 #navit: < Mineque> [19:21:11] .:Mineque:. bafplus, you could check navit's launchpad translation page 18:18 #navit: < Mineque> there is translation tool 18:18 #navit: <@KaZeR> the .mo files are binary, anyway :) 18:18 #navit: < bafplus> @KaZeR , that sthe thing, its not translations issues just some personal changes, or cutomizations if you will 18:19 #navit: <@KaZeR> bafplus: you think they would apply only to your own use case ? 18:20 #navit: < bafplus> Mordt of the time, yes 18:20 #navit: < bafplus> Like some words are not clear for me (or my engeneers) and i want to change them just/only for us 18:23 #navit: <@KaZeR> you have an example? because the current translations are maybe not the best 18:23 #navit: <@KaZeR> also if you want to use your own .po file you probably will have to rebuild navit yourself currently 18:24 #navit: <@KaZeR> actually maybe i can provide a precompiled .mo, we'll have to try 18:24 #navit: <@KaZeR> (but then maintaining it could be a pain) 18:25 #navit: < bafplus> I just found teh meters problem, the translater added the meters while the string doesent have meters (it is added sepperatly), just submitted the change (number 46) 18:27 #navit: < bafplus> I will take a look at those translations...but some things are not to translate, like in the set destination screen you have " near me" "point on map" and "coordinates" 18:27 #navit: <@KaZeR> ok i will commit it today then 18:28 #navit: < bafplus> i find the coordimnates under the icon not clear, i prefer tekst like " near me" " on map" etc 18:34 #navit: < bafplus> But i will take a look at it soon 18:48 #navit: < bafplus> I'm off..wife want some quality time after sourcediving the last 3 days ;-) 18:49 -!- bafplus [~bafplus@5ED0A3EE.cm-7-1c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <- Now with extra fish!] 19:02 -!- bafplus [~bafplus@5ED0A3EE.cm-7-1c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has joined #navit 19:04 -!- [GABRI] [GABRI@] has quit [] 19:17 -!- j_f-f [~quassel@orion2589.server4you.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 19:20 -!- j_f-f [~quassel@orion2589.server4you.de] has joined #navit 19:22 -!- _rd [~rd@p57B485EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #navit 20:09 -!- jandegr [51f353a3@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 20:23 -!- _rd [~rd@p57B485EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 20:24 -!- _rd [~rd@p57B485EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #navit 20:33 -!- drlizau [~liz@billiau.net] has joined #navit 20:34 -!- woglinde_ is now known as woglinde 20:45 -!- _rd [~rd@p57B485EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 20:48 -!- _rd [~rd@p57B485EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #navit 20:59 -!- drlizau [~liz@billiau.net] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 21:02 -!- _rd [~rd@p57B485EE.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 272 seconds] 21:42 #navit: < bafplus> What is the diffenence between navit_current and navit_svn_5830 ? 21:49 #navit: <@KaZeR> they should be the same i think 21:50 #navit: <@KaZeR> iirc, navit_current should only be a symlink to the latest build 22:06 #navit: < bafplus> Aha... 22:29 #navit: < bafplus> This is the new build with the corrected Dutch language? 22:57 -!- Mineque_ [~Mineque@89-68-233-84.dynamic.chello.pl] has joined #navit 22:57 -!- Mineque_ is now known as Guest13200 22:59 -!- Mineque [~Mineque@89-68-233-84.dynamic.chello.pl] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 23:05 -!- Guest13200 [~Mineque@89-68-233-84.dynamic.chello.pl] has quit [Quit: Leaving] 23:06 #navit: <@KaZeR> no, that's the build with the new religion related poi 23:06 #navit: <@KaZeR> i haven't committed your translation fix yet 23:15 -!- gringo [~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 23:17 #navit: < bafplus> Ah, ok... 23:22 -!- gringo [~gringo@unaffiliated/gringo] has joined #navit 23:24 #navit: < bafplus> i will take a look at the lastest build tomorow, off to bed, good night! 23:24 -!- bafplus [~bafplus@5ED0A3EE.cm-7-1c.dynamic.ziggo.nl] has quit [Quit: Want to be different? Try HydraIRC -> http://www.hydrairc.com <-] --- Log closed Thu Aug 07 00:00:41 2014