--- Log opened Fri Apr 29 00:00:45 2016 02:17 -!- xenos1984 [~xenos1984@2001:bb8:2002:200:92e6:baff:fe30:3bc0] has joined #navit 02:23 -!- jonathanmaw [~jonathanm@] has joined #navit 02:29 -!- robertp [d9f3f0ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 03:10 -!- jjelen [jjelen@nat/redhat/x-rnbwpgbbokwacbmm] has joined #navit 03:31 -!- juse [~juse@fow4.kyla.fi] has joined #navit 04:01 -!- jonathanmaw_ [~jonathanm@] has joined #navit 04:04 -!- Robotaxi [3ef5dbf5@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 04:05 -!- jonathanmaw [~jonathanm@] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 05:02 -!- robertp [d9f3f0ac@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [] 06:20 -!- kazer [~kazer@] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 06:36 -!- jonathanmaw_ [~jonathanm@] has quit [Quit: Ex-Chat] 10:20 -!- xenos1984 [~xenos1984@2001:bb8:2002:200:92e6:baff:fe30:3bc0] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 10:21 -!- jandegr [51f2d874@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 10:33 -!- Netsplit *.net <-> *.split quits: @Horwitz 10:37 -!- Netsplit over, joins: @Horwitz 11:17 -!- xenos1984 [~xenos1984@118-166-191-90.dyn.estpak.ee] has joined #navit 11:31 -!- jjelen [jjelen@nat/redhat/x-rnbwpgbbokwacbmm] has quit [Ping timeout: 276 seconds] 11:54 -!- kazer [~kazer@] has joined #navit 13:28 -!- robertp [543b075a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has joined #navit 13:30 #navit: < robertp> hi 13:31 #navit: < jandegr> hi robertp 13:32 #navit: < robertp> :) 13:33 #navit: < robertp> jandegr do you know about attrs? 13:35 #navit: < jandegr> heard about it 13:37 #navit: < robertp> ok 13:38 #navit: < jandegr> what is the problem ? 13:39 #navit: < robertp> i do not know when an attr is set during startup when its not defined in navit.xml 13:39 #navit: < robertp> like osd_configuration or vehicle.pisition_speed. 13:40 #navit: < robertp> those attrs can be asked for its value to decide things on them 13:41 #navit: < robertp> i tied to use my audio attr the same way 13:41 #navit: < robertp> but i failed 13:42 #navit: < jandegr> so this is specific for your audio thing, np with the samples you gave ? 13:44 #navit: < robertp> thats not really specific... 13:48 #navit: < jandegr> you inserted shuffle, repeat and playing ? 13:48 #navit: < robertp> If i set my attr through the cmd_interface: 13:49 #navit: < robertp> 13:49 #navit: < robertp> navit starts and the functions set_attr and get_attr are called 13:49 #navit: < robertp> if not, navit hangs on startup 13:50 #navit: < robertp> yes, i inserted playing, shuffle and repeat 13:52 #navit: < robertp> and i get this error message: 13:52 #navit: < robertp> error:navit:command_register_callbacks:could not resolve object in cs=0x8fcaf38: osd_configuration==2 && audio.playing==0 13:53 #navit: < robertp> where audio.playing is underlined 13:54 #navit: < jandegr> probably the following is no problem, but I am comparing the way you implemented get_attr in audio.c with route.c 13:56 #navit: < jandegr> why did you do it that way ? 13:56 #navit: < jandegr> normally it would be smth like attr->u.num=0; 13:56 #navit: < jandegr> remark : is probably not the cause, but just looking ... 13:58 #navit: < robertp> I took the code from vehicle_get_attr 13:59 #navit: < jandegr> https://github.com/navit-gps/navit/blob/trunk/navit/route.c#L4116 14:02 #navit: < jandegr> hmm, vehicle uses both ways, but the first one is similar to route.c 14:02 #navit: < jandegr> https://github.com/navit-gps/navit/blob/trunk/navit/vehicle.c#L211 14:02 #navit: < robertp> well vehicle.c is a wrapper for the possible vehicles 14:02 #navit: < robertp> as audio.c is 14:03 #navit: < jandegr> oh ok 14:03 #navit: < robertp> this leads to the special audio_plugin ?or vehicle_gpsd 14:05 #navit: < jandegr> and did you test if 'leads to' works ok ? 14:06 #navit: < jandegr> or do some test to see if you can get it once, and then later work on the callback 14:07 #navit: < robertp> oh... do the attrs always need a callback? 14:07 #navit: < robertp> I can set the attr 14:08 #navit: < robertp> and i get the right value, if i set it first 14:08 #navit: < robertp> so i think i missed something during init... 14:09 #navit: < robertp> no.. just tested. i do not get the right value 14:11 #navit: < jandegr> can you point me to the plugin where the real attr is ? 14:13 #navit: < robertp> https://github.com/pohlinkzei/navit/blob/audio_test_attr/navit/audio/player-stub/stub.c#L147 14:14 #navit: < jandegr> https://github.com/pohlinkzei/navit/blob/audio_test_attr/navit/audio/player-stub/stub.c#L125 14:14 #navit: < jandegr> make it return just some fixed value 214 or so and try to get it once 14:17 #navit: < robertp> that worked... short time afk 14:26 #navit: < jandegr> https://github.com/navit-gps/navit/blob/trunk/navit/command.c#L1803 14:27 #navit: < jandegr> hmm , leading to it is if (cs->res.attr.type == attr_none) 14:46 #navit: < robertp> it seems the attr i get and the attr i set are different 14:47 #navit: < robertp> this: https://github.com/pohlinkzei/navit/blob/audio_test_attr/navit/audio/player-stub/stub.c#L148 14:47 #navit: < robertp> gives: error:audio_player-stub:stub_playing_attr_set:0x8e08848, 0xbfd07d68 14:47 #navit: < robertp> and 14:48 #navit: < robertp> https://github.com/pohlinkzei/navit/blob/audio_test_attr/navit/audio/player-stub/stub.c#L118 14:48 #navit: < robertp> gives 14:49 #navit: < robertp> error:audio_player-stub:stub_playing_attr_get:0x8e08848, 0x20099, 0xbfd07c34 14:49 #navit: < robertp> 0xbfd07c34 != 0xbfd07d68 14:56 #navit: < jandegr> that is normal 15:03 #navit: < robertp> ok 15:20 #navit: < jandegr> btw what is the purpose of a 1000 second update period ? 15:24 #navit: < robertp> that it is done only once 15:27 #navit: < robertp> I get what i set now. but its not evaluated with ' enable_expression="osd_configuration==2 && audio.playing==1" ' 15:43 #navit: < robertp> thanks for your help. bye 15:43 -!- robertp [543b075a@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [] 15:58 -!- zoff99 [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/zoff99] has joined #navit 15:58 #navit: < zoff99> hi 16:32 -!- jandegr [51f2d874@gateway/web/freenode/ip.] has quit [Quit: Page closed] 16:55 -!- juse [~juse@fow4.kyla.fi] has quit [Quit: Nettalk6 - www.ntalk.de] 17:10 -!- zoff99 [~chatzilla@unaffiliated/zoff99] has quit [Quit: ChatZilla 0.9.86-rdmsoft [XULRunner 1.9.1/20090707221522]] 18:53 -!- xenos1984 [~xenos1984@118-166-191-90.dyn.estpak.ee] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 19:58 -!- Horwitz [~mich1@p200300800E0B7700022268FFFE64E7C4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 20:11 -!- Horwitz [~mich1@p200300800E15E200022268FFFE64E7C4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #navit 20:11 -!- mode/#navit [+o Horwitz] by ChanServ --- Log closed Sat Apr 30 00:00:47 2016