--- Log opened Sat Nov 18 00:00:33 2017 00:13 -!- Horwitz [~mich1@p200300800E4B1800022268FFFE64E7C4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 00:18 #navit: <@KaZeR> hey ilovekiruna 00:22 -!- pini [~pini@bou-fi.pustule.org] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 00:27 -!- Horwitz [~mich1@p200300800E495100022268FFFE64E7C4.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #navit 00:27 -!- mode/#navit [+o Horwitz] by ChanServ 00:29 #navit: < ilovekiruna> hi KaZeR 00:29 #navit: < ilovekiruna> hi youte 00:33 #navit: < ilovekiruna> KaZeR: any ideas about the goodies? 00:35 #navit: <@KaZeR> haven't thought too much about it. the big factor will be how much funds we have to spend :) 00:35 #navit: < ilovekiruna> in worst case it would anyway come from our own pocket, or am i wrong? 01:31 -!- j_f-f [~quassel@rs-7.jff-webhosting.net] has quit [Ping timeout: 250 seconds] 01:38 -!- j_f-f [~quassel@rs-7.jff-webhosting.net] has joined #navit 01:40 #navit: <@KaZeR> yeah indeed 02:37 -!- xenos1984 [~xenos1984@22-164-191-90.dyn.estpak.ee] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 03:47 -!- noradtux [~noradtux@2a02:2028:73a:f501:ec4:7aff:fe33:3dc1] has quit [Ping timeout: 255 seconds] 03:51 -!- noradtux [~noradtux@port-3532.pppoe.wtnet.de] has joined #navit 06:26 -!- xenos1984 [~xenos1984@2001:bb8:2002:200:6651:6ff:fe53:a120] has joined #navit 08:48 -!- frank [~frank@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 08:48 -!- frank [~frank@p54B610E0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has joined #navit 09:03 -!- frank__ [~frank@] has joined #navit 09:04 -!- frank [~frank@p54B610E0.dip0.t-ipconnect.de] has quit [Ping timeout: 260 seconds] 09:38 -!- frank__ [~frank@] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 10:26 -!- xenos1984 [~xenos1984@2001:bb8:2002:200:6651:6ff:fe53:a120] has quit [Quit: Leaving.] 10:46 -!- frank__ [~frank@] has joined #navit 11:56 -!- frank__ [~frank@] has quit [Ping timeout: 268 seconds] 14:12 -!- ilovekiruna [~ilovekiru@ip2505a0ef.dynamic.kabel-deutschland.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:07 -!- ilovekiruna [~ilovekiru@vpn1050.vpn.tu-clausthal.de] has joined #navit 16:28 -!- frank__ [~frank@] has joined #navit 16:37 -!- pini [~pini@bou-fi.pustule.org] has joined #navit 16:44 -!- ilovekiruna [~ilovekiru@vpn1050.vpn.tu-clausthal.de] has quit [Remote host closed the connection] 16:44 -!- ilovekiruna [~ilovekiru@vpn1050.vpn.tu-clausthal.de] has joined #navit 18:25 #navit: < jkoan> hi @all 18:29 #navit: < ilovekiruna> hi all 18:29 #navit: < jkoan> hi ilovekiruna 18:29 #navit: < ilovekiruna> hi jkoan 18:30 #navit: < jkoan> whats up? 18:30 #navit: < ilovekiruna> work :( 18:30 #navit: < ilovekiruna> how about u? 18:30 #navit: < ilovekiruna> and getting mad about x2go client 18:31 #navit: < jkoan> right now navit, tomorrow work(learning). I try to build a quick prototype of the rewritten MapServer 18:31 #navit: < jkoan> why x2go? 18:31 #navit: < ilovekiruna> i use it to access my work computer 18:32 #navit: < ilovekiruna> fullscreen is shitty because it then just stretches over laptop screen and external screen 18:32 #navit: < ilovekiruna> and u can just use alt and such keys in fullscreen-mode 18:32 #navit: < ilovekiruna> so work is a bit cumbersome 18:32 #navit: < ilovekiruna> and those bugs are aging 18:33 #navit: < jkoan> hm okay, like a remote desktop with a terminal server? One solution for this on windows is Citrix right? 18:33 #navit: < jkoan> yep, those bugs are annoying 18:33 #navit: < ilovekiruna> both machines run a better OS ;-) 18:33 #navit: < ilovekiruna> Gentoo 18:34 #navit: < jkoan> yes, i only want to know if this is equivalent 18:34 #navit: < ilovekiruna> somehow 18:34 #navit: < jkoan> of cause every linux is better then windows 18:34 #navit: < ilovekiruna> despite i never worked with Citrix 18:34 #navit: < ilovekiruna> :D 18:35 #navit: < jkoan> do you want to know more about the mapserver rewrite? 18:35 #navit: < ilovekiruna> sure 18:36 #navit: < jkoan> you know about our binfile format? 18:37 #navit: < jkoan> (its only a zip file) 18:37 #navit: < ilovekiruna> hmmm, not so surprised 18:40 #navit: < jkoan> i will use nodejs with express and archiver in order to get the download stream. The more tricky path is to read all the data from the source planet.bin file. if everything goes well i will use stream-zip to read the file directly from source without put all of it into the ram (because its to much) 18:41 #navit: < jkoan> the problem will probably the read from the zip file (because it seems to not find all entries 18:44 #navit: < ilovekiruna> not surprised, because almost all modern file formats use it 18:44 #navit: < ilovekiruna> ms office, matlab, ... 18:45 #navit: < ilovekiruna> jar 18:45 #navit: < ilovekiruna> libreoffice 18:45 #navit: < jkoan> yes, but all those programs read everything and not only a stream 18:51 #navit: < ilovekiruna> jkoan: How is your MATLAB knowledge? 18:52 #navit: < jkoan> zero? never heard of it 18:53 #navit: < ilovekiruna> ok, no problem 20:15 #navit: < jkoan> KaZeR: are you online? 20:40 #navit: <@KaZeR> hi there 20:40 #navit: <@KaZeR> jkoan: yep 20:45 #navit: < jkoan> Kazer I was thinking of the api endpoints, do you have some preferred structure? 20:46 #navit: < jkoan> (for the mapserver rewrite) 20:49 #navit: <@KaZeR> mmm, that's a widely open question :) you have some specifics in mind? 20:56 #navit: < jkoan> Don't have my PC on but what I have right now something like /api/v2/bbox/xmin/xmax/ymin/ymax for a download of a bbox and /api/v2/areas for output of a json of all provided areas and /api/v2/areas/xml for the same in xml format 20:59 #navit: <@KaZeR> looks good so far 21:01 #navit: < jkoan> V2 to keep it compatible to the old mapserver 21:06 #navit: <@KaZeR> yes absolutely. that's the essence of good practice :) 21:06 #navit: < jkoan> Nodejs is okay for you? :D 21:07 #navit: <@KaZeR> i see why you would choose it. ideally C would be better to avoid too many languages in the stack, but.. 21:11 #navit: < jkoan> But writing an own http server in c/c++ would be really insecure 21:13 #navit: <@KaZeR> well there's libs for that 21:15 #navit: < jkoan> But in nodejs I already have a prototype :x 21:17 #navit: <@KaZeR> that's why i ended my sentence with `but` :) 21:18 #navit: <@KaZeR> implementation wins over ideas. so while there will probably be concerns about adding a new language to the stack, if it works, well, it works :) 21:21 #navit: < jkoan> Also it is only server-side 21:29 #navit: <@KaZeR> yes, but the concern is more about who from our current devs would be able to contribute 21:34 #navit: < jkoan> Everyone, because it's only Javascript :X 21:38 #navit: <@KaZeR> haha we'll see about that then :) 21:59 #navit: < youte> hello 22:31 #navit: <@KaZeR> hey youte 22:31 #navit: < ilovekiruna> Hi youte 23:40 -!- ColdFyre [~lenny@24-113-108-124.wavecable.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 248 seconds] 23:40 -!- frank__ [~frank@] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] 23:51 -!- ColdFyre [~lenny@24-113-108-124.wavecable.com] has joined #navit 23:56 -!- ColdFyre_ [~lenny@24-113-108-124.wavecable.com] has joined #navit 23:57 -!- ColdFyre [~lenny@24-113-108-124.wavecable.com] has quit [Ping timeout: 240 seconds] --- Log closed Sun Nov 19 00:00:35 2017