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[05:26:23] *** Joins: xenos1984 (~xenos1984@e256-ddc7-c877-7c2f-8780-87e7-07d0-2001.dyn.estpak.ee) [05:26:23] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v xenos1984 [08:09:29] *** Quits: xenos1984 (~xenos1984@e256-ddc7-c877-7c2f-8780-87e7-07d0-2001.dyn.estpak.ee) (Ping timeout: 250 seconds) [08:10:13] *** Joins: xenos1984 (~xenos1984@169-100-191-90.dyn.estpak.ee) [08:10:13] *** ChanServ sets mode: +v xenos1984 [12:20:34] *** Quits: genesis (~genesis@unaffiliated/genesis) (Quit: Leaving) [12:24:23] *** Joins: genesis (~genesis@unaffiliated/genesis) [14:36:23] *** Joins: udovdh (~udovdh@2001:981:a812:0:213:3bff:fe0f:9fb1) [15:05:38] hi there [15:05:44] udovdh \o/ [15:28:27] <13harcipulyka> Hi! I downloaded navit and I found a website called planet extractor. I have two questions. Is it a site to download maps for your application. If it is, then what should I do with the downloaded .bin file? [15:30:11] <05jkoan> Hi @harcipulyka the bin file is the map, you need to put it in a folder on the device where you want to use navit. Then you need to configure navit to use that map [15:30:43] <13harcipulyka> Okay [15:31:13] <13harcipulyka> I have navit on win ce version. Then should I put in the maps folder? [15:31:28] <05jkoan> Here you find how to configure the map: https://wiki.navit-project.org/index.php/Configuration/Maps_Options [15:31:29] <13harcipulyka> put it* [15:31:33] <05jkoan> Yes [15:38:45] kazer: Mord needs to be adjusted to the new logging url. I will add ssl soon as well [15:39:38] *motd [15:47:01] <13harcipulyka> I tried out, and it didn't work. All I das was, I downloaded the WIN ce version and extracted it to the SD card. Then I downloaded a map(.bin) from the planet extractor and placed in to the maps folder on the SD card. [15:47:18] <13harcipulyka> The app starts fine but no cities or map loads in [15:47:38] <13harcipulyka> Just a white-ish screen with a green circle on it [15:47:54] <13harcipulyka> Did I do something wrong? [15:49:02] <13harcipulyka> Ohh and i just see I got a nice navit.txt with full of error logs [15:51:57] hi harcipulyka and welcome! [15:52:53] <05jkoan> Did you also edit the Navit.xml to say navit where the map is? [15:53:02] harcipulyka it could be two things probably : 1) the view is centered on the default location (Munich, in Germany) and your map doesn't cover this or 2) your map isn't active [15:53:33] <13harcipulyka> Probably the second, because Germany was also in the donwloaded part [15:53:45] harcipulyka you can check the active maps in settings / maps [15:54:06] if your map isn't listed there you are probably missing an xml file alongside your .bin file. that's something that we should improve [15:55:51] <13harcipulyka> Okay could you help me, what to do in the xml file? [16:02:44] <13harcipulyka> @jkoan I didn't change the xml file. Do i have to edit one of the line to the link of my downloaded map? [16:08:07] *** Quits: udovdh (~udovdh@2001:981:a812:0:213:3bff:fe0f:9fb1) (Remote host closed the connection) [16:08:25] harcipulyka : usually there's two options : add the map directly in navit.xml, or add an xml file with your map that navit will auto-load [16:10:14] if your navit.xml file contains a block like this : https://github.com/navit-gps/navit/blob/trunk/navit/navit_shipped.xml#L413-L415 [16:10:20] then you can use option 2 [16:10:48] which is to add a yourmap.xml file next to the bin file with this content: [16:11:00] [16:13:14] some platforms like android can download these files for you automatically, unfortunately wince cannot currently [16:18:45] <13harcipulyka> I have in my original xml file similar lines, but not exactly the same. Is that okay? Mine is something like [16:55:32] <05jkoan> In the original there should be the sample map [16:55:55] <05jkoan> So you need to change data to the real map [17:47:41] <13harcipulyka> Nahh [17:47:46] <13harcipulyka> Finally worked [17:48:04] <13harcipulyka> And I just got more question 😄 [17:48:28] <13harcipulyka> If i download the maps in smaller parts, and not in one big, will it be faster? [17:48:58] <13harcipulyka> How do I bring up the menu (I did it accidentally a few times, but don't know the proper way) [17:49:31] it won't be faster, not really. the structure of this file is optimized for this use. Navit doesn't load the full map in memory, it just streams the content it needs [17:49:43] touching the map should bring up the menu [17:50:00] if the map moves instead, there is a setting to adjust the sensitivity [18:04:28] <13harcipulyka> Okay, and what about searching [18:05:05] yeah that can be confusing [18:05:07] https://wiki.navit-project.org/index.php/Internal_GUI [18:05:09] it's under action, town [18:06:09] <13harcipulyka> Ahh cool [18:06:22] <13harcipulyka> I was worried about the USA flag [18:06:29] <13harcipulyka> That it caused [18:06:41] <13harcipulyka> Thank you very much for your help! [18:25:46] np! [18:26:11] your feedback is welcome. So are any other question you might have :) [18:26:50] the flag depends mostly on the locale settings of your device. That's how Navit knows which language to use and which country to search for by default. Both can be overiden in the xml file [22:06:15] *** Quits: xenos1984 (~xenos1984@169-100-191-90.dyn.estpak.ee) (Quit: Leaving.)